Boat Building Forum

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Re: HELP!!! Sun Burnt Strips
Date: 6/25/2000, 12:35 am
In Response To: HELP!!! Sun Burnt Strips (Don Bobzien)

: I have apparently done a very dumb thing. After laminating on the outer
: bow/stern stem strips this am, I took the wee lassie outside the garage
: and let the epoxy dry. Then went out to paddle for a couple of hours. When
: I returned home I carried the boat back in side to take off the bungie
: cords off that were holding down the stem strips. To my horror there are
: half a dozen light bands where the sun didnt hit the boat. The whole boat
: is noticablly darker and the tan lines, canoes are not supposed to have
: tan lines! Does any body have any idea how this can be fixed? Would a
: couple of hours back in the sun even out the color or would that make
: matters worse?

: And just to kick a man when he's down... a bird crapped on the hull! That
: sanded off without staining the wood though. Mother nature can be cruel.

: Lesson learned. NEVER, EVER, take the raw boat outside untill it has several
: layers of varnish applied. Any thoughts or advice will be greatly
: appreciated. Don

Don't sweat it Don. Just finish stripping it and when you fair it out and sand it, she will be totally nude again. That's just on the surface and won't take much to get it off.

I wouldn't chance it for too long out in the sun as it would check the surface and that's another story.

On the bird droppings, well.... it must have been on a low color-ie diet, cause if you were out here and a mulberry eater got your boat, it would be purple forever. That stuff takes the paint off a car, or permently discolors it. Even the bird poop is toxic in California. 8^0


Messages In This Thread

HELP!!! Sun Burnt Strips
Don Bobzien -- 6/24/2000, 9:11 pm
Re: HELP!!! Sun Burnt Strips
Rehd -- 6/25/2000, 12:35 am
Re: HELP!!! Sun Burnt Strips
Tony -- 6/26/2000, 12:57 pm
Re: HELP!!! Sun Burnt Strips
lee -- 6/24/2000, 10:33 pm