By:John Danley
Date: 7/8/2000, 2:06 pm
Date: 7/8/2000, 2:06 pm
I just finished stripping the hull on my kayak. Getting ready to turn it over and strip the deck. I'm wondering about the correct sequence of events after stripping the deck.
Here is what I envision:
1. Pull staples and scrape, sand, fill exterior of hull and deck.
2. Remove hull and bottom from form and scrape, sand, fill interior of hull and deck.
3. Now, here is where I am not sure about. Do I glass the exterior or interior of the hull and deck first? What is the recommended procedure.
John D.

Messages In This Thread
- *Pic*
John Danley -- 7/8/2000, 2:06 pm- Re:
james cook -- 7/9/2000, 11:49 am- Re:
Rick Thomas -- 7/8/2000, 9:46 pm- Re: Nice looking hull, John!
Spidey -- 7/8/2000, 9:41 pm- Re:
Vernon Lowery -- 7/8/2000, 8:29 pm- Re: Building steps
Dwight -- 7/8/2000, 5:14 pm- Re: What's the proper sequence of fiberglassing?
John Danley -- 7/8/2000, 4:13 pm - Re:
- Re: