Date: 7/10/2000, 11:50 am
I had the opportunity to visit with Chris Cunningham this last 4th of July weekend while attending the Wooden Boat Show on Lake Union in Seattle. Chris just happened to have his kayak with him (imagine that!) and most graciously agreed to show me some of his greenland style rolls. Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed with his knowledge and skill while performing. After a little arm bending (or rather pleading) I managed to get him to agree to present a greenland style rolling demonstration for the West Coast Wood Kayak Rendezvous this year in Port Townsend. If you have never seen a demonstration of this sort, you will be amazed with his skill and repertoire of rolls. For those of you who aren't familiar with Chris Cunningham, he is the editor of Sea Kayaker Magazine and he paddles as well as he writes!
For more information about the Rendezvous check out the link below.

Messages In This Thread
- R2K - Chris Cunningham - Rolling Demonstration *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 7/10/2000, 11:50 am- Re: R2K - Chris Cunningham - Rolling Demonstration
Richard Boyle -- 7/11/2000, 9:44 am- Re: I'm Not Worthy!!
Shawn B -- 7/10/2000, 5:12 pm- Re: Your paddle is Not Worthy ;-)
Mike Hanks -- 7/10/2000, 5:18 pm
- Re: R2K - Chris Cunningham - Rolling Demonstration
Mike Hanks -- 7/10/2000, 5:12 pm- Re: R2K - Chris Cunningham - Rolling Demonstration
Andreas Albat -- 7/10/2000, 4:49 pm - Re: I'm Not Worthy!!
- Re: R2K - Chris Cunningham - Rolling Demonstration