Date: 7/13/2000, 8:03 am
: I spoke to you briefly on Fri am in Mystic...was feeling OK about my 1st
: kayak attempt when I got to compare it to some of the boats on display, at
: least until I got to your tent! Anyway, any tips on making/preserving a
: (saltwater) boat for the next generation (it certainly ain't a bentley,
: but then I couldn't build one of those, either)?. Without giving away
: trade secrets, I assume you use regular materials (MAS epoxy, fiberglass
: cloth, etc.).Any preference for the clear coat over the epoxy? Anything
: special about annual maintenance/refinishing? Any tips to improve
: longevity would be greatly appreciated (my boat is the SUV variety - mud,
: sand, bird excreta, fish scales). Thanks, John
John, First of all I have no trade secrets. Trade secrets don't help the trade. For keeping a boat in perfect condition there are a couple of important steps in building.
#1. The rounder all woodwork is, the better it will hold varnish. Sharp or semi-sharp edges is where you will first see the varnish breaking up. This knowledge was my initial reasoning for rounding like I do. Now I would do the same just because it dramatically improves the level of craftsmanship. #2. If you play in salt water, wash off the boat when you get home. A little car wash soap will help. #3. Store the boat out of the sun and rain. #4. When you apply the finish, spray it on. I believe you get a more consistent coat. The more coats you have, the more UV protection. I use a single part polyurethane made by Deft (1-800-458-3338). It is called DEFTHANE GLOSS. I also add a fish-eye destroyer from Constantines (1-800-223-8087) which eliminates fish-eye and greatly enhances flow out. Perfect temperature to spray? 75-80 degrees right after a good rain knocks all the dust out of the air. For a canoe and all the parts I plan on spraying 3-4 Gals. at $25. a Gallon. Does that Answer your question?
Phil Greene
Messages In This Thread
- Woodwork Beyond Description
Jeff Fine -- 7/10/2000, 3:46 pm- Re: only $14,000?
Dean Trexel -- 7/10/2000, 10:40 pm- Re: only $14,000?
Philip Greene -- 7/11/2000, 10:23 am- Re: only $14,000?
Dean Trexel -- 7/11/2000, 5:28 pm- Re: Jealous Fellow Builder
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/11/2000, 3:35 pm- Re: Jealous Fellow Builder
Philip Greene -- 7/12/2000, 6:05 pm- Re: Jealous Fellow Builder
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/13/2000, 9:50 am- Any coating/maintenance tips??
John B. -- 7/12/2000, 6:35 pm- Re: Any coating/maintenance tips??
Philip Greene -- 7/13/2000, 8:03 am- Re: Any coating/maintenance tips??
Marty Hangarter -- 7/15/2000, 10:45 am- Re: Any coating/maintenance tips??
Philip Greene -- 7/18/2000, 7:28 am
- Re: Any coating/maintenance tips??
- Re: Any coating/maintenance tips??
- Any coating/maintenance tips??
- Re: Jealous Fellow Builder
Brian Nystrom -- 7/12/2000, 9:24 am- Re: it's a 1:1 model of a boat... (NT)
Dean Trexel -- 7/11/2000, 5:35 pm - Re: Jealous Fellow Builder
- Re: only $14,000?
Jeff Fine -- 7/11/2000, 3:10 pm- Re: WOOD mag.
Don Beale -- 7/11/2000, 5:01 pm
- The canoe at the Wooden Boat Show...
Brian Nystrom -- 7/11/2000, 12:36 pm - Re: Jealous Fellow Builder
- Re: only $14,000?
- Re: Woodwork Beyond Description
Mike Scarborough -- 7/10/2000, 7:55 pm - Re: only $14,000?
- Re: only $14,000?