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Re: PFD Testing
By:Shawn B
Date: 8/1/2000, 1:15 pm
In Response To: Re: Custom PFD (j)

I jumped off a 30' cliff this weekend while wearing it, and swam all weekend--it floats fine. No signs of damage from the fall!

: does anyone know what kind of testing the coast guard uses to approve a pfd.
: maybe it is posted somewhere (although i have yet to find it). perhaps you
: should jump on you vest a couple of times to insure that it doesn't tear
: apart and then wear it in the pool for a couple of hours to make sure it
: doesn't slowly sink.

: j

Messages In This Thread

Custom PFD *Pic*
Shawn B -- 7/26/2000, 12:46 pm
Re: Custom PFD
j -- 7/30/2000, 10:06 pm
Re: PFD Testing
Shawn B -- 8/1/2000, 1:15 pm
OUCH....that musta hurt!!
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 6:20 pm
Re: Custom PFD
Tig and Tink -- 7/28/2000, 1:21 am
Re: Custom PFD
John Leonard -- 7/27/2000, 6:51 am
Re: Custom PFD
Jack Martin -- 7/27/2000, 11:44 am
Re: Custom PFD
Don -- 7/26/2000, 11:26 pm
Re: Custom PFD
Shawn Baker -- 7/27/2000, 1:08 am
Re: Custom PFD
Gary B. -- 7/27/2000, 1:32 am
Re: Custom PFD
Kent LeBoutillier -- 7/27/2000, 6:26 am
Greg -- 7/26/2000, 10:51 pm
Re: Custom PFD
Bob -- 7/26/2000, 1:32 pm
Re: Flotation factoids *Pic*
Shawn B -- 7/26/2000, 1:57 pm
Re: Flotation factoids
Bob -- 7/26/2000, 2:50 pm
Lotus Logo
Julie Kanarr -- 7/26/2000, 2:24 pm
Re: Custom PFD
peter czerpak -- 7/26/2000, 1:04 pm
Re: Custom PFD
Ross Leidy -- 7/26/2000, 1:00 pm
looks good...
Jason T. -- 7/26/2000, 12:52 pm
Re: USCG Inspection
Shawn B -- 7/26/2000, 2:04 pm
Re: USCG Inspection
Jack Martin -- 7/26/2000, 5:36 pm
Re: USCG Inspection
Bob -- 7/27/2000, 8:38 am