Boat Building Forum

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Re: A kayak is born
Date: 8/1/2000, 5:42 pm
In Response To: Re: A kayak is born (andy clifford)

: Beauty!!! How long did it take you and do you have anything you want to say
: about issues you might have had building it? You really did a great job.
: And you still have plenty of time to play with it. Happy paddeling....Andy

I started it March 30, had a three week break in June, Didn't touch it the first week of July. I have 4 coats of varnish on the deck butr I may sand it down again, I'm not real happy with the finish on the deck yet. I figure I'll wait til September so that any small scratches will also be dealt with.

The biggest issue, it really sucks doing epoxy work in the summer while the weather is perfect for paddling. Epoxy reacts real fast, that's a both good and bad. Bad in that it reduces the potlife of the epoxy resulting in using more samller batches. Good in that the exopy cures and blushes a lot faster.

Other then that it was fine, many times i regreted choosing a simple color design. maybe by then fourth or fifth boat, I'll be happy with my construction procedures to justify the extra time in doing a really artistic design. That is to say, I wouldn't attempt anything real fancy unless i have the time to commit to it slow enough to ensure A good job that I wouldn't regret afterwards.


Messages In This Thread

A kayak is born *Pic*
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 1:54 am
Re: A kayak is born
Tig and Tink -- 8/2/2000, 12:17 am
Re: A *beeautifffulll* kayak is born
Spidey -- 8/1/2000, 8:38 pm
Re: A *beeautifffulll* kayak is born
Greg -- 8/2/2000, 1:15 am
Great Job Greg
Gary B. -- 8/1/2000, 5:39 pm
Re: Great Job Greg
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 6:03 pm
Re: A kayak is born
Roger Nuffer -- 8/1/2000, 11:53 am
Re: A kayak is born
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 6:02 pm
Re: A kayak is born
Shawn B -- 8/1/2000, 11:04 am
Twin launch !!
Ed Walshe - Dublin Ireland -- 8/1/2000, 9:07 am
Re: Twin launch !!
Tig and Tink -- 8/2/2000, 12:22 am
Re: Twin launch !!
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 5:25 pm
Re: A kayak is born
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/1/2000, 9:02 am
Re: A kayak is born
Kent LeBoutillier -- 8/1/2000, 5:58 am
Re: A kayak is born
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 5:22 pm
Re: A kayak is born
andy clifford -- 8/1/2000, 2:44 am
Re: A kayak is born
Greg -- 8/1/2000, 5:42 pm
Re: A kayak is born
Ken Sutherland -- 8/1/2000, 2:58 am