Re: Chainsaw Mill *Pic*
By:Hans Friedel
Date: 8/8/2000, 8:23 am
Date: 8/8/2000, 8:23 am
In Response To: Chainsaw Mill *Pic* (Travis)
: Here's my latest project, a chainsaw mill. I've got white oak trees that I'm
: going to try and plank out to 20 feet for guwales, etc. Now if I could
: only figure out a way to get the chainsaw to rip 1/4" by 3/4"
: strips right off the bat! Travis
Here is another solotion my onkel has one. It is rather dusty and noisy but it makes nice lumber.
There are some other modells to, where the sword is pointing downwards so you don't have to lift the logg up on to the table
But I agree that you need a bigger chainsaw. Chainsaws are not designed for longer use so you will easily burn your saw.

Messages In This Thread
- Chainsaw Mill *Pic*
Travis -- 8/7/2000, 2:20 pm- Re: Chainsaw Mill *Pic*
Hans Friedel -- 8/8/2000, 8:23 am- Re: Chainsaw Mill
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/7/2000, 11:16 pm- Re: Chainsaw Mill chain
Hank -- 8/8/2000, 1:52 pm- Re: Chainsaw Mill chain
David R -- 8/11/2000, 8:08 am
- Re: Chainsaw Mill chain
- Re: Chainsaw Mill
Mike Scarborough -- 8/7/2000, 7:20 pm- Re: Chainsaw Mill
Travis -- 8/7/2000, 10:10 pm- Re: Chainsaw Mill
Dave R -- 8/10/2000, 12:31 am- Re: Chainsaw Mill
Slash -- 8/8/2000, 3:16 am - Re: Chainsaw Mill
- Re: Chainsaw Mill
- Re: Chainsaw Mill
Stihl 090 -- 8/7/2000, 5:26 pm - Re: Chainsaw Mill
- Re: Chainsaw Mill *Pic*