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Re: strip built deck on S & G hull *Pic*
By:Don Beale
Date: 8/14/2000, 12:24 pm
In Response To: Re: strip built deck on S & G hull (Mike Hanks)

Todd, That is what I did with my Tred Avon. It is not difficult at all, in fact the strip part went quite easily with the extra forms. I'll have this boat at R2K, too. I wanted to bring the new Spring Run but it's not quite ready yet and my son will be along for the ride, so we'll get some use out of the double.

: Todd,

: Try putting deck beams in about every foot. Make them out of something
: lightweight like western red cedar and you could leave them in for extra
: strength.

: Mike

Messages In This Thread

strip built deck on S & G hull
todd -- 8/13/2000, 10:46 am
Re: strip built deck on S & G hull
michael -- 8/13/2000, 8:21 pm
strip deck on S & G hull without stripping?
todd -- 8/13/2000, 9:56 pm
Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell? *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/14/2000, 9:39 am
Re: Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell?
Roger Nuffer -- 8/21/2000, 12:20 pm
Re: Great Finish
Shawn B -- 8/16/2000, 10:09 am
One Hell of a nice looking kayak!
Gary B. -- 8/15/2000, 9:26 pm
Re: Deck cleats
Pete Roszyk -- 8/16/2000, 9:29 am
Re: Deck cleats
Gary B. -- 8/18/2000, 12:50 am
Standard 3" deck cleats *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/18/2000, 12:08 pm
Thanks Pete
Gary B. -- 8/18/2000, 11:05 pm
Looks like you need to pull some weeds. :-) NT
Dale Frolander -- 8/18/2000, 2:13 pm
Re: Son of Hybrid Boat From Hell?
Rehd -- 8/14/2000, 8:43 pm
Re: Nice Looker
Spidey -- 8/14/2000, 7:32 pm
Prestripped deck on S & G
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/13/2000, 11:16 pm
Re: Prestripped deck on S & G
Mike Hanks -- 8/14/2000, 12:19 am
Re: Some ideas...
John B. -- 8/13/2000, 12:15 pm
Re: strip built deck on S & G hull
Mike Hanks -- 8/13/2000, 11:07 am
Re: strip built deck on S & G hull *Pic*
Don Beale -- 8/14/2000, 12:24 pm