Date: 8/15/2000, 12:03 am
Wood is NOT a renewable resource at current harvest levels for MOST US species. Thats a fact. The US is NOT a signatory nation for CITES.
Yes the world population is expanding at a phenomenal rate. Thats a fact.
What I do about the first is that I PROSECUTE environmental crimes, and do so with great delight. I am dedicated to this and spend whatever time it takes to do so. Eighty hour weeks are not uncommon. I've nailed quite a number of the big boys, including Departments within the US, the latest being the DOE. Now what part do you have in protecting the planet you share, as I recall a statement you made not so long ago about redwood.
Now, I cannot stop all the propagation that is going on. I can go on about the growth rate of the US alone, and lose every one of you in the reality of the situation. Here you go, read the 1990 US Census carefully in US trends. Next STOP BREEDING.
For any of you who wish a world view, do go through Africa, the Phillipines, Thailand, India, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Central and South America... Hey, where did all the trees go to? Mostly to US markets. But you know, those of us who are members of the Sierra Club (and drive that Ford Expedition), will go on about what a travesty that is yet the largest rate of deforestation of rainforest occurs not in tropics but the temperate rain forests of the US and Canada.
Do any of you know what percent of the US waste stream is wood, not paper, but just wood? Ah, don't know, huh? Go out and find scrap wood and cut strips from that. What wood that's in our home is from scrap pallets, bulding demo jobs, and remodels. Recycled and reused. And all of you can do it too.
Maybe basswood is what some might call a nothing tree, but it does strip out carbon dioxide, shades the grounds, binds the soil, provides habitat, and in itself to be admired. Still, think globally and act locally, and the whole movement begins with each and every one of you. Hey go plant some American Holly (nearly gone in the US).
Flame all you want, but do wake up and see through all the consumerism bullshit and get involved. In case you forgot, I'm in your face and reminding everyone what needs to be done to be involved. It's not pleasant I know, but the reality if I have to say it...
Spidey, you're absolutely so incredibly spot on right, the population explosion is the biggest part of the problem. I'm extremely interested in your thoughts.
most sincerely,
Tig (BTW hit me with your best shot, the facts are the facts)
Messages In This Thread
- basswood
Addison M. -- 8/13/2000, 9:35 pm- Re: basswood *Pic*
Hafte -- 8/14/2000, 10:57 am- Re: basswood
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/14/2000, 12:17 am- drying of basswood
Jack A. -- 8/14/2000, 10:41 am- Re: drying of basswood
Addison -- 8/14/2000, 11:57 am
- Re: drying of basswood
- Re: basswood
Tig and Tink -- 8/13/2000, 10:19 pm- Re: Wood products
Don Beale -- 8/14/2000, 12:09 pm- Re: basswood
Frank -- 8/14/2000, 8:29 am- Re: Respectfully Disagree (OT)
Spidey -- 8/14/2000, 12:00 am- Re: Respectfully Disagree (OT)
Tig and Tink -- 8/15/2000, 12:03 am- Re: Respectfully Disagree [again] (OT)
Spidey -- 8/15/2000, 12:44 am
- Re: Respectfully Disagree (OT)
Roger Nuffer -- 8/14/2000, 2:28 am- Re: Respectfully Disagree (OT)
andy clifford -- 8/14/2000, 10:46 am
- Re: Respectfully Disagree [again] (OT)
- Re: basswood
Addison M. -- 8/13/2000, 11:25 pm- Re: De~Re... Forestation...O.T.
Rehd -- 8/14/2000, 12:23 am- Re: Logging and Oxygen...O.T.
David Dick -- 8/15/2000, 2:34 am- Re: Logging and Oxygen...O.T.
Tony -- 8/15/2000, 1:25 pm
- Re: And if you REALLY dont like logging:
Don Beale -- 8/14/2000, 5:13 pm- Re: De~Re... Forestation...O.T.
Tony -- 8/14/2000, 12:37 pm- Re: De~Re... Forestation...O.T.
Rick -- 8/14/2000, 9:06 am- Re: De~Re... Forestation...O.T.
Rehd -- 8/14/2000, 9:24 am- Re: Snipes OT
Spidey -- 8/14/2000, 7:38 pm- Re: Snipes ....Way O.T.
Rehd -- 8/14/2000, 8:30 pm
- Re: Snipes ....Way O.T.
- Re: Snipes OT
- Re: Logging and Oxygen...O.T.
- Re: Logging and Oxygen...O.T.
- Re: basswood
- Re: basswood
Pete -- 8/13/2000, 9:56 pm - Re: basswood
- Re: basswood *Pic*