Boat Building Forum

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backband attachments
By:Tom Preska
Date: 8/15/2000, 11:57 am

Has any one had trouble keeping back band attachments laminated to the deck? Mine aren't staying put. I am using double thickness 1/4 ply bonded/filleted on the back side with glass, to the underside of the deck. Under the stress of the backband (nicks) design they are coming off after about two paddles. Help. Oh yeah they are on my exped. single.

Messages In This Thread

backband attachments
Tom Preska -- 8/15/2000, 11:57 am
Re: backband attachments
Jay Babina -- 8/16/2000, 11:06 am
Re: backband attachments
peter czerpak -- 8/15/2000, 1:24 pm
Re: backband attachments
Larry C. -- 8/15/2000, 9:03 pm
Re: backband attachments
Ross Leidy -- 8/16/2000, 9:34 am
Re: backband attachments
peter czerpak -- 8/16/2000, 8:32 am
Re: backband attachments
peter czerpak -- 8/15/2000, 1:21 pm