Boat Building Forum

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Re: Full Time to Cure System Three?
Date: 8/31/2000, 9:22 pm
In Response To: Full Time to Cure System Three? (Gini)

I am not sure that the extra coat of epoxy is really necessary. You might end up adding needless extra weight to your kayak, not to mention the fact that the epoxy is costly. If you're a epoxy finish is even after sanding, then you're varnish coats will give you a good high luster finish you are looking for.

Finish off your sending with to 120 grit sandpaper. Remember that you do not want the epoxy finish perfectly smooth. The epoxy needs to have some tooth in it for the varnish to stick to. So if after your 120 grit standing if you're finished is even, then I would proceed directly to the varnish steps.

Look in the archives of the bulletin board for varnish information. There are some excellent postings on the varnish process. Also look at the link below.

Good �Luck! Don

: I'm getting ready to do the final sanding and varnishing on a Pygmy Osprey
: Double, after paddling it for a couple of weeks. Pygmy uses System Three
: and recommends a three week cure time before final paint/varnishing. I'm
: guessing that, after I get rid of drips, sand, etc, I may be tempted to
: put on one more coat of epoxy, just to get the surface as smooth as
: possible. The question: do I really need to wait a full 3 weeks more
: before varnishing, if I top off with yet one more "finish coat"
: of epoxy?

Messages In This Thread

Full Time to Cure System Three?
Gini -- 8/31/2000, 10:32 am
Re: Full Time to Cure System Three?
Don -- 8/31/2000, 9:22 pm
Thanks all
Gini -- 9/1/2000, 9:01 am
Lets see what you've built
David Dick -- 9/1/2000, 3:04 pm
Best way to post pic?
Gini -- 9/2/2000, 10:47 am
Re: Full Time to Cure System Three?
Tapio Manner -- 8/31/2000, 1:47 pm
Re: Full Time to Cure System Three?
David Hanson -- 8/31/2000, 11:11 am