Date: 9/4/2000, 10:05 pm
I'm inclined to do the seat and braces on the Spring Run, and throw it in the water next weekend. I can think of several reasons to do this; There are some things I'd like to do in the shop before varnishing, namely a filtration unit and dust collection. The epoxy will be a week cured next weekend which is plenty to get it wet but it would be better to let it go two or three weeks before varnishing. Also, though the fill coat on the hull was several days cured, when I sanded it the paper gummed up rather than wearing out, and I suspect the slow MAS does blush a little, even tho it isnt supposed to. A little water might not hurt it.
But the bottom line is, I'm a little anxoius to paddle it. I really hoped to have it at this stage for R2K...
The only reason I can think of not to, is that varnishing might be a little trickier around the hatch seals and thigh braces.