Deck fitting photo *Pic*
By:Grant Goltz
Date: 9/20/2000, 10:33 pm
Date: 9/20/2000, 10:33 pm
(as promised, Pete) Here is a photo of the new deck fittings I mentioned (geez 2 months ago!). These are on one of our vacuum bagged veneered decks made of a wood called Emberwood. I have no idea what it actually is or where it comes from. Just that it changes color (dark and light alternate) with changing light angles. Pardon the finish it is only 2 coats of Captain's varnish that needs a good sanding and a couple more coats.
Will get some photos up of these fittings on a 2-part clearcoated deck (Okumme plywood) tomorrow. And will do up some drawings so you can better see how they are made and installed.

Messages In This Thread
- Deck fitting photo *Pic*
Grant Goltz -- 9/20/2000, 10:33 pm- Re: Deck fitting photo
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/21/2000, 5:59 am- Re: Deck fitting photo
Grant Goltz -- 9/21/2000, 11:59 am
- Re: Deck fitting photo
Grant Goltz -- 9/20/2000, 10:39 pm - Re: Deck fitting photo
- Re: Deck fitting photo