Re: Where's the wooden kayaks? *Pic*
In Response To: Where's the wooden kayaks? (Roger Nuffer)
Struer is still making wooden Olympic style sprint boats.
: So I’m watching the Olympics today and Bob Costas announces flat water canoe
: and kayak racing. YES! First the kayaks raced. Or were they kayaks? And
: the canoes, well, I don’t know. I’ve never seen canoes paddled in a
: marriage proposal kneeling position before. The whole thing was completely
: foreign to me.
: And where’s the wood strip kayaks. That’s what the Olympics needs, wood strip
: kayaks and canoes. Guess I’m just a romantic at heart, but 1/8” thick
: strips sandwiched between 2-4 oz glass would have added a whole lot to the
: overly technological Sydney Olympics.

Messages In This Thread
- Where's the wooden kayaks?
Roger Nuffer -- 10/1/2000, 4:20 am- Not in the Finals
Paul Lund -- 10/1/2000, 9:06 pm- Re: Not in the Finals
James Cameron -- 10/2/2000, 1:30 pm
- Re: Where's the wooden kayaks? *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/1/2000, 10:28 am- Re: Where's the wooden kayaks?
Bill Price -- 10/1/2000, 2:45 pm- Re: Where's the wooden kayaks?
Roger Nuffer -- 10/1/2000, 12:31 pm - Re: Where's the wooden kayaks?
- Re: Not in the Finals
- Not in the Finals