Overlapping ends *Pic*
By:Ben Staley
Date: 10/12/2000, 6:11 pm
Date: 10/12/2000, 6:11 pm
I seem to be having a lot of trouble neatly fitting the ends together where they meet at the bow and stern. I am using the overlaping finger method but am having trouble figuring out the angle to cut. I have had more luck if I lay the overlap strip first and then come back and cut the opposing side to fit underneath the overlap. This is the reverse of what is recommended in the book. Is there a trick that I am missing?

Messages In This Thread
- Overlapping ends *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 10/12/2000, 6:11 pm- Re: Overlapping ends
Jay Babina -- 10/16/2000, 2:52 pm- Re: Overlapping ends - Another approach *Pic*
Mitch Isoe -- 10/16/2000, 10:25 pm
- Re: Overlapping ends
brett the hitman hart -- 10/15/2000, 7:54 pm- Re: Overlapping ends
Ben Staley -- 10/16/2000, 10:46 am
- Re: Overlapping ends *Pic*
Rick Thomas -- 10/14/2000, 4:12 pm- Re: Overlapping ends
Ben Staley -- 10/14/2000, 5:20 pm- Re: Overlapping ends
Rick Thomas -- 10/14/2000, 11:54 pm
- Re: Overlapping ends
- Aligning Overlapping ends
mike allen ---> -- 10/13/2000, 4:48 pm- Re: Overlapping ends
Kent LeBoutillier -- 10/13/2000, 12:03 pm- Re: Overlapping ends *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 10/13/2000, 10:45 am - Re: Overlapping ends - Another approach *Pic*
- Re: Overlapping ends