Boat Building Forum

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Well, not completely.
By:Bill Price
Date: 10/16/2000, 8:15 pm
In Response To: Forget Putz for tradition or space. (mike allen --->)

: A few people here have already mentioned it in passing, but to emphasize the
: point, don't make Putz kayak if you wish to use it as an example of a
: traditional kayak or for space. It uses a completely different structural
: approach from traditional kayaks in both the frame(western or european)
: and the skin. It just looks like a skin kayak. Absolutely no good for your
: history class but ok for woodworking or chem. if you use any for the skin
: coating.

What? While I'll agree with you on the "traditional" bit, the small space accusations are bunk. The design is flexible enough that it can be modified to whatever is required. Trust me, I have size 14 feet and have been able to easily get around this in the construction. As for the trestle buisness, well it's simply not a problem. A bit overbuilt perhaps, but not a space consideration.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but from what I've seen and read about "traditional" boats indicates they were / are pretty minimalistic in design. i.e. the beams are narrow - just a finger width or two wider than the paddler's hips, the decks are low to very low almost at the water line to reduce wind problems, Not a lot of storage in the boat - most things kept on the deck. Doesn't bring to mind a craft with a roomy interior for my (or anyone elses) feet :-)

BTW: The Putz craft does have a history. It would make a great story on the industrial intepretation of a native design. I don't think those trestles came from no where. The original Skeene (sp?) design dates to the 20's I believe and engineering concepts such as trestles were everywhere during that period, e.g. buildings, supports, bridges, etc. I find it interesting that the european/western culture took a simple "built from the environment" design and recreated it into a somewhat heavy handed industrial one. Sounds like a great essay to me.


Messages In This Thread

A future builder has a question.....
Tom F. -- 10/12/2000, 9:17 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Roger Nuffer -- 10/20/2000, 1:26 am
Well, let's see if I can answer some, stuff.
Tom F. -- 10/14/2000, 1:09 pm
Forget Putz for tradition or space.
mike allen ---> -- 10/16/2000, 5:01 pm
Re: Putz tradition and space :O
Mike Hanks -- 10/16/2000, 8:52 pm
Re: Putz tradition and space
mike allen ---> -- 10/17/2000, 3:53 pm
Re: My Bad
Mike Hanks -- 10/17/2000, 9:31 pm
Moi, The Biggest Jerk
mike allen ---> -- 10/18/2000, 4:13 pm
Re: buy each other beers :D
Mike Hanks -- 10/18/2000, 11:16 pm
Re: paper yak
Tom Kurth -- 10/19/2000, 8:53 pm
Re: paper yak
Mike Hanks -- 10/19/2000, 11:06 pm
Re: paper yak
Tony -- 10/20/2000, 7:20 pm
Re: buy each other beers :D
mike allen ---> -- 10/19/2000, 12:18 pm
Tony -- 10/19/2000, 6:07 pm
mike allen ---> -- 10/19/2000, 7:16 pm
Re: Putz tradition and space :O
Kelly Trehearne -- 10/17/2000, 9:51 am
Well, not completely.
Bill Price -- 10/16/2000, 8:15 pm
Re: Well, let's see if I can answer some, stuff.
garland reese -- 10/16/2000, 11:11 am
Re: Well, let's see if I can answer some, stuff. *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 10/15/2000, 6:34 pm
Re: Well, let's see if I can answer some, stuff.
Øivind Børresen -- 10/15/2000, 3:07 pm
Skin on Fame
Roger Nuffer -- 10/15/2000, 2:35 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Kelly Trehearne -- 10/14/2000, 9:37 am
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Paul C -- 10/13/2000, 3:51 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
tom preska -- 10/13/2000, 10:22 am
Consider Tom P's Advice
mike allen ---> -- 10/13/2000, 2:08 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Julie Kanarr -- 10/13/2000, 1:21 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
tom preska -- 10/13/2000, 2:23 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Bruce -- 10/13/2000, 9:29 am
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Lee -- 10/13/2000, 8:20 am
Re: A future builder has a question.....
peter czerpak -- 10/13/2000, 12:05 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Ross Leidy -- 10/13/2000, 12:28 pm
For what kind of paddling?
Pete Roszyk -- 10/12/2000, 11:07 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Charles Cooper -- 10/12/2000, 11:06 pm
Re: A future builder has a question.....
Mike -- 10/12/2000, 10:43 pm