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Re: Dremel Enthusiast....
Date: 10/18/2000, 7:07 pm
In Response To: Dremel Enthusiast.... (CommonStriped)

: I was scarfing some plywood [4mm okuome] with a block plane [a great
: invention] but try as i might my scarfs werent up to snuff. When glued
: together they just didnt lay nearly flush enough. This really unerved me
: as I thought I really took my time and patience with the task.

: Well, with my jigsaw, I cut all the plywood scarfs off and started anew. This
: time however I went beyond just block planing and finished the scarfed
: ends with a dremel. i first tried sandpaper on a block of wood, but this
: was way too slow. Instead, just a light light brush with a dremel at
: 15,000 rpm's and those scarfs were PERFECT. This rotary tool let me make
: the most delicatley tapered ends that, I'm sorry, no block plane would
: allow.

: Who knows, maybe more experience planing would have made the dremel uneeded.
: Whats ceratin however, is that with a careful hand [and some dremel
: experience] the rotary tool provided a shortcut to achieving some crisp
: edges I dotn believe i wouldve achieved otherwise.

: Pete

I used mine to take care of those hardenned epoxy runs. With a flat gridding stone and a careful hand, I can flatten those unsightly run with no time. I knew I should have taken care of those runs with a scraper while it is still green, but I did not have all the time to sit and wait for the legendary Raka slow cure epoxy to stop running before the mosquito start biting.

Messages In This Thread

Dremel Enthusiast....
CommonStriped -- 10/17/2000, 11:57 pm
Dremel Router
mike allen ---> -- 10/18/2000, 8:26 pm
Re: Dremel Enthusiast....
Tony -- 10/18/2000, 7:07 pm