Date: 10/22/2000, 10:03 pm
I believe those are the same strips milled and sold by Classic Boat Kits. I used the CBK strips on my first boat, and while the wood itself was good quality, I really didn't like the "high-center" strips. It's questionable whether or not it makes external fairing easier, but it definitely makes interior fairing harder. All those high spots have to be removed on the interior, which is the hardest area to work in the first place. Also, when laying the strips on the form, you have to watch out for the see-saw effect: when placing a strip you'll have to balance it at the center or else it will be more difficult to get a tight joint on the subsequent strip.
I recommend flat strips. Cut/mill your own or buy them. Newfound Woodworks has some nice stuff - I just bought a batch from them for my next boat.
My $0.02,
: Has anyone bought strips from One Ocean Kayaks? I am wondering if their
: claims that the "Classic" strip will cut down on the amount of
: fairing needed before fiberglassing are true. Are they be worth the extra
: shipping costs?
: Allison
Messages In This Thread
- "Classic" Strips
Allison -- 10/22/2000, 4:05 pm- Re: "Classic" Strips
Ross Leidy -- 10/22/2000, 10:03 pm- Re: "Classic" Strips
Liz Leedham -- 10/23/2000, 10:25 am- Re: "Classic" Strips
Tom -- 10/23/2000, 5:13 pm- Re: "Classic" Strips
Liz Leedham -- 10/23/2000, 5:26 pm- Re: "Classic" Strips
Charley -- 10/23/2000, 8:52 pm- Re: "Classic" Strips
Vaclav Stejskal -- 10/26/2000, 4:40 pm- Re: "Classic" Strips
Charley -- 10/26/2000, 7:00 pm
- Re: "Classic" Strips
- Re: "Classic" Strips
- Re: "Classic" Strips
- Re: "Classic" Strips
- Re: "Classic" Strips
- Re: "Classic" Strips
- Re: "Classic" Strips