Steam bending *Pic*
By:Kent LeBoutillier
Date: 10/25/2000, 11:43 am
Date: 10/25/2000, 11:43 am
Hi All,
I found this the other day on Harvey Golden's web site while researching skin on frame boats. I haven't tried it yet but I was impressed by the picture. in the article he states soak for a week in water and steam for ten minutes. I added this info to my building page as well as a few other tips for fairing boards and boat storage. Check them out when you get a chance.

Messages In This Thread
- Steam bending *Pic*
Kent LeBoutillier -- 10/25/2000, 11:43 am- NICE PAGE KENT! *NM*
Jim McCool -- 10/25/2000, 1:19 pm