Date: 5/15/1998, 9:06 pm
I ordered the book last week. I am currently half way through stripping a Guillemot and seem to have run out of gas. Spring came early, and the lakes are unthawed, making finding the time to work on the boat less appealing than paddling the kayak I built last year. I am hoping that the book will inspire me to get off the water and into the shop a little more.
I bumped into another kayaker (rare occurance where I am from) the other day and he said something that got me thinking of what George and you all have been talking about. This may anger some of you, but keep an open mind. He said "Yea, your boat looks beautiful, but Joe kayaker would probably rather buy a brand name, factory kayak than build a wooden one."
That statement took me back a little, but I also have to admit that I had never been in a kayak until I built one. This guy has built many strip canoes, and even asked me if he could borrow the forms for the kayak I was paddlling ( a modified Tsunami).
Is he correct? How much time does the average builder that visits this board get out? I know that between work, a wife, two young sons, yard and other work, I have a hard time getting out as much as I wish I could. As for developing the skills that I assume are necessary to "test" the construction design of my boat, I have a ways to go.
As for George, I can not figure out why he seems so dead set on riling up everyones dander. I will still read his comments, if he chooses to participate. I have used his advice in the past, and found it very useful.
How about it guys, who out there can say they have tested there boats to the extreme?
Messages In This Thread
- Raving George
Keith Kaste -- 5/15/1998, 12:24 pm- Curious George
Bruce -- 5/15/1998, 8:37 pm- Re: Curious George
Mark Kanzler -- 5/19/1998, 4:45 pm
- Re: Curious George
- Re: Don't ban George . . .
Karl Coplan -- 5/16/1998, 12:18 am- Re: Don't ban George . . .
Mark Kanzler -- 5/16/1998, 12:46 am- Re: Don't ban George . . .
Tor-Henrik Furmyr -- 5/15/1998, 8:31 pm- Re: Don't ban George . . .
Kevin Sheppard -- 5/15/1998, 9:06 pm- Re: Don't ban George . . .
Tor-Henrik Furmyr -- 5/15/1998, 9:22 pm- Re: Don't ban George . . .Silence is Golden
Mark Kanzler -- 5/16/1998, 8:42 pm
- Re: Don't ban George . . .Silence is Golden
- Re: Don't ban George . . .
- Re: Don't ban George . . .
- Re: Don't ban George . . .
- Re: Don't ban George . . .
- Curious George