Date: 10/31/2000, 11:37 pm
: Hi Richard
: Well I did use staples on my current boat. However I did want to eliminate
: any unnecessary staples so I used plain old masking tape as a clamp. I
: used about four rolls of 1 � inch tape. I think it is important to use
: fresh tape because it stretches and will not tare under the clamping force
: as easily.
: It looks pretty good there are no staples holes between stations. In many
: places I stripped right over the masking tape that was holding the
: previous strip.
: Right now I am in the process of glassing the outside of the boat and you
: cannot tell where the tape is unless you know where to look.
: Jason Given
Lots of masking tape works good, I had good luck sticking the strip of tape on the inside of the strips on the hull or deck more or less permanently and bring it up over the next strip and down and stick it on the outside. When glue sets pull tape off of outside and let it hang on the inside ready for the next strip.
I would avoid much use of bungees or ropes as these things have a habit of continuing to apply force after you have turned your back, even "set" glue can continue to move or give especially in warm room.
Liberal use of "L" shaped chunks of 1/4" plywood on every station keeps the wood tight to the forms.
Messages In This Thread
- Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
Richard Boyle -- 10/29/2000, 5:37 pm- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
Richard Boyle -- 11/6/2000, 8:22 am- how about masking tape
Jason Given -- 10/30/2000, 2:52 pm- Re: how about masking tape
Ray Port Angeles -- 10/31/2000, 11:37 pm- Re: how about masking tape
Grant Goltz -- 10/30/2000, 11:11 pm - Re: how about masking tape
- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
John Monfoe -- 10/30/2000, 5:45 am- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/31/2000, 12:04 am
- Try screws in small scraps to hold the first strip
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/29/2000, 11:03 pm- Re: Try screws in small scraps to hold the first s
Shawn Baker -- 10/30/2000, 11:27 am
- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
Rehd -- 10/29/2000, 9:50 pm- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
Mitch Isoe -- 10/29/2000, 7:51 pm- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions
Hans Friedel -- 10/29/2000, 6:27 pm - how about masking tape
- Re: Stapleless Guillemot -a couple of questions