Boat Building Forum

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Re: legs that fall asleep
Date: 11/17/2000, 6:48 pm
In Response To: legs that fall asleep (Ron Wiebe)

I had this problem with my hands. I thought I was crazy. My shrink said it was justb a side effect of the Prozac.
: A friend of mine and myself are building a couple of guillemot kayaks.
: We are getting to the point of building the seats or buying. The problem
: is He has a problem with his legs falling asleep every time we paddle any
: of my plastic boats or my glass boat. Every seat is different and every one
: he has the same problem, Does anybody have any idea's , first why does he
: have that problem and I never do. And is there any seats that are better
: for a stripbuilt boat.

Messages In This Thread

legs that fall asleep
Ron Wiebe -- 11/8/2000, 9:26 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep
George -- 11/17/2000, 6:48 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep- one solution
Kathy Garlinghouse -- 11/15/2000, 8:42 pm
here's the solution for your troubles
Erez -- 11/9/2000, 5:13 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep
Berkeley C. -- 11/9/2000, 3:46 pm
Re: And I thought it was Ginger Ale in my pants
Pete Strand -- 11/9/2000, 4:15 pm
Re: legs that fall asleep
Jay Babina -- 11/9/2000, 9:37 am
Re: legs that fall asleep
peter czerpak -- 11/9/2000, 8:13 am
Re: legs that fall asleep
Jim P. -- 11/9/2000, 7:58 am
Re: legs that fall asleep
.tim -- 11/9/2000, 6:53 am