Date: 1/1/2001, 9:16 am
: Jon,
: Check out Instant Boats by Harold "Dynamite" Payson. It has
: plans for a VERY basic kayak included in the book. I'd modify the deck to
: get rid of the box shaped cockpit. Don't know of anyone who has built it,
: but it looks very easy and quick to build.
: I keep thinking about trying to build one over a weekend. But I think my wife
: would shoot me now if I started another kayak before I finish her Spring
: Run. I have built 2 others since we bought plans for her kayak.
: Mike
Mike, you are absolutely right about that atrocious box. It ruins an
otherwise good boat. But that is not the reason I have not considered it.
As you said, that can be modified. I think it may too long (12+ft) and
too narrow (24in) for kids. It might be a good boat for me though.
If I don't come up with anything, I may just consider shortning it,
and widening it a bit, and maybe remove some of that rocker. I don't really
understand the purpose of all that rocker. I have never seen a kayak of this length, with that much rocker. What do you think?
Thanks for your help.
Messages In This Thread
- Keowee or Minnow
Jon -- 12/31/2000, 1:26 pm- Re: Keowee or Minnow or? *Pic*
David Dick -- 1/3/2001, 12:52 am- Re: Keowee or Minnow or?
Jon -- 1/12/2001, 7:14 pm
- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Roger Nuffer -- 1/3/2001, 12:50 am- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Bob Deutsch -- 1/2/2001, 6:44 pm- Check out the lil'dubber plans
Russ -- 12/31/2000, 6:31 pm- Re: Check out the lil'dubber plans
Jon -- 1/1/2001, 8:41 am- Lil'dubber plans and Pictures *Pic*
Russ -- 1/1/2001, 1:53 pm- Re: Lil'dubber plans and Pictures
Jon -- 1/12/2001, 8:33 pm- Re: Lil'dubbers
Russ -- 1/13/2001, 10:23 am
- Re: Lil'dubber plans and Pictures
Jon -- 1/1/2001, 3:20 pm- Re: Lil'dubber plans and Pictures
Roger Nuffer -- 1/1/2001, 3:10 pm - Re: Lil'dubbers
- Re: Lil'dubber plans and Pictures
- Re: Check out the lil'dubber plans
Roger Nuffer -- 12/31/2000, 9:37 pm - Lil'dubber plans and Pictures *Pic*
- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Bob Deutsch -- 12/31/2000, 4:00 pm- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Jon -- 1/12/2001, 7:44 pm- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Jon -- 1/1/2001, 8:45 am - Re: Keowee or Minnow
- Re: Keowee or Minnow *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 12/31/2000, 2:07 pm- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Jon -- 1/1/2001, 9:16 am- Re: Keowee or Minnow *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 1/1/2001, 6:15 pm- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Jon -- 1/12/2001, 6:44 pm- Re: Keowee or Minnow
Rehd -- 1/1/2001, 8:05 pm - Re: Keowee or Minnow
- Re: Keowee or Minnow
- Re: Keowee or Minnow *Pic*
- Re: Keowee or Minnow or?
- Re: Keowee or Minnow or? *Pic*