Re: deck to hull seam *Pic*
Date: 1/2/2001, 1:48 pm
Date: 1/2/2001, 1:48 pm
In Response To: deck to hull seam (Mark)
Hi Mark;
When I peeled my tape off the exterior seam and sanded it, my seam on the outside went from nothing to a sixteenth to nothing, etc. It was probably not very noticeable, but being AR, I decided to place a pinstripe under the glass tape. The stripes are 3/32" and 1/32" as I recall, and standard autobody fare. Use a stripe width as wide as the widest visible part of the seam. I tested the pinstrip and epoxy on a test piece first, and it wetted out nicely. I did sand it lighly with #600 after applying the tape. It may be overkill, but I think it added a nice detail at the same time. The tape is available in lots of colors.
Best Regards, Spidey

Messages In This Thread
- deck to hull seam
Mark -- 1/2/2001, 10:17 am- Re: deck to hull seam *Pic*
Spidey -- 1/2/2001, 1:48 pm- Nice
Mark -- 1/2/2001, 2:19 pm
- Re: deck to hull seam
Gini L. -- 1/2/2001, 10:31 am - Nice
- Re: deck to hull seam *Pic*