Date: 1/24/2001, 12:52 pm
: Well, not exactly under my nose...and not in my nose either, thats where
: filler comes from when not wearing the dust mask ....but I digress.
: I found that I have access to some great 18ga 304 stainless scrap that is
: left after a holepunching operation out in the factory where I work. The
: edges have quite a fantastic burr on them as a result of the punching
: operation. No sharpening necessary!!!
: I can't describe the pleasure of seeing perfect huge curls of wood comming up
: off of these beauties....I kept getting sawdust in the corners of my mouth
: as my silly grin worked its way out past the edges of my dust
: mask....sorry,I'm a little excited since I had a LOT of wood to remove
: inside the deck after a less than careful job stripping. I was dreading a
: long week of sanding but finished the job last night in a couple of hours.
: They definately are for rough removal, not finish work because the burr is
: not uniform.
: Thought I'd pass along the idea.
: Got some new pictures up at the link below.
Keep the ideas Ben, just pass along some of the scrapers. Wow! What a business opportunity. and CHEAP!
Messages In This Thread
- Great scrapers right under my nose! *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 1/24/2001, 12:24 pm- You are getting ahead
David Hanson -- 1/25/2001, 9:38 am- Re: Launch date
Ben Staley -- 1/25/2001, 1:27 pm- Tiny bubbles..... in the boat
Russ -- 1/25/2001, 5:05 pm- 60 degree day, What's that, not familiar
Russ -- 1/25/2001, 5:09 pm
- 60 degree day, What's that, not familiar
- duh
David Hanson -- 1/25/2001, 4:31 pm- Re: Alcohol and a toothpick
Ben Staley -- 1/25/2001, 4:52 pm
- Re: Alcohol and a toothpick
- Re: Launch date
David Hanson -- 1/25/2001, 4:24 pm
- Tiny bubbles..... in the boat
- Re: Launch date
- Re: Great scrapers right under my nose!
Rehd -- 1/24/2001, 12:52 pm
- You are getting ahead