Date: 2/3/2001, 6:34 am
: Close John, the wood is poplar, or as the locals call it "pop'l."
: the genus has the "u" (populus). These are fast growing
: hardwoods of the willow family which includes aspens and cottonwoods. In
: my area they and the white birch are the pioneer trees. In forty years
: they can reach a height of sixty feet and a girth of 30-36 inches. As they
: reach this age they face increasing competition from the other species
: their shade has protected. In an effort to get enough sun they get top
: heavy and snap off at the crown or wind throw.
: In my woods I harvest them at this point. I often get 10-20' straight boles
: which produce a good percentage of clear wood. I've got about 3000 bdft.
: in downed trees to get out and mill before the ground thaws. The wood
: dries light weight and easy to work. As you indicate it can have a
: greenish tinge, but is mainly white with out much grain. Once seasoned
: it's considered pretty stable and was often used for the hidden parts of
: case goods and as core for veneer. It takes a stain or paint finish and
: glues well. Because the price is right I often use it any place I would
: use white pine. It has about the same rot resistance as the pine, which is
: to say low.
: I'm considering building a stripper with it because of its availability,
: weight and workability. I'm playing with ideas involving aniline stains
: and inlays.
: There are a lot of these independent mills off the beaten track. I went by
: one in Tannersville, NY, Wednesday. Gotta get back an check out their
: stock.
Hi Geo.,
My fault, Poplar, bad habits are hard to break. I live in a woods with lots of Poplars,(Tulip Trees), Indiana's state tree. Sometimes called Indiana's Red Woods because of the size they grow. I have one about 4'across in the woods and I planted 2 dozen around my pond area. I think the green color contrast of the Poplar with the Basswood might look good.
Take care,
Messages In This Thread
- Wood Gold Mine--again
John Monfoe -- 2/2/2001, 5:28 am- Re: Poplar, please!
Geo. Cushing -- 2/2/2001, 10:44 am- Re: Poplar, please!
John Monfoe -- 2/3/2001, 6:34 am- Re: Poplar, please!
Tom Kurth -- 2/2/2001, 2:31 pm- Re: Poplar pleases
George Cushing -- 2/3/2001, 10:43 pm- Re: Poplar pleases
Rehd -- 2/3/2001, 11:53 pm- Re: Spalted, yeah that's it
George Cushing -- 2/5/2001, 2:28 pm
- Re: Spalted, yeah that's it
- Re: Poplar, please!
Rehd -- 2/3/2001, 1:47 am- Yer Stripping Geranium stalks?
Russ -- 2/3/2001, 9:09 am
- Re: Poplar, please!
Jim Eisenmenger -- 2/2/2001, 6:48 pm - Re: Poplar pleases
- Re: Poplar, please!
- You are the wind beneath my wings. *NM*
Jim Eisenmenger -- 2/2/2001, 8:12 am - Re: Poplar, please!
- Re: Poplar, please!