Date: 2/12/2001, 12:38 am
: Anyone ever build a SOF with dowels?
: * No ripping, just joining to length.
: * Use short pieces of same dowels as the support spars, (notching the ends).
: * Smooth edge to glue a synthetic skin to.
: * Just notch the forms and wrap 'em round!
: Just a thought...Seems like it would go together pretty quick.
Sounds like an interesting project. Somewhat like Bill Price's Project "X".
Bill is using spruce and most generally, dowels are made of Birch although you can find others. The birch is vertical grained and very stiff, but, with steaming it could be bent around a bit. If glued, end to end, you would HAVE to use epoxy and you may even wrap the joints with some 1 - 2 oz. cloth. The reason I say epoxy is that your standard Yellow glues need pressure, to get the joint tight and the glue to really grab. That would be difficult with long lengths of dowel. Epoxy can be used and it will fill and doesn't need quite the pressure for proper adhesion. Also, the epoxied joints would be stiffer, so you would give up some flexibility in those areas. That would maybe cause some flat spots in your curves to the bow and stern. May not be too noticable though. ?? The ends of the dowels used for cross members could be shaped with a dremel and sanding drum. A round cutter/file tightened into the drill press would make a suitable grinder. Give it a try on something a bit smaller than the kayak and see just how tight your joints will be and how flexible the boat will be over all. Worth an experimental project at the least.
Good Luck!
Messages In This Thread
- SOF with dowels?
Jerry Hayes -- 2/11/2001, 11:11 pm- Re: SOF with dowels?
Rehd -- 2/12/2001, 12:38 am- Re: Goin' Postal Again!
Geo. Cushing -- 2/12/2001, 1:12 pm- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
O. T.
Rehd -- 2/12/2001, 4:29 pm- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
O. T.
Geo. Cushing -- 2/12/2001, 11:21 pm- Re: I'm Kool with That
O. T.
Rehd -- 2/13/2001, 12:39 am
- Re: I'm Kool with That
- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
- Re: " Again?? " Shucks!!
- Re: SOF with dowels?
Scotty -- 2/11/2001, 11:33 pm- Re: SOF with dowels?
Scotty -- 2/14/2001, 12:40 pm
- Re: Goin' Postal Again!
- Re: SOF with dowels?