Date: 2/16/2001, 3:40 am
From many past posts, I remember folks mentioning difficulty bending or twisting their strips around the bow or stern end forms. Here is what I did to bend 3/4" x 1" Stringers and Chines on my Walrus frame. These are 3 times the size of the standard strips and I had NO problems.
I clamped or " Plumber's Taped " the stringers in the middle, more manageable forms. Then, when the forms started demanding a little contorsion, I would clamp on some of my 3' pipe clams for leverage and then dampen face/hand towels and stick them in the Micro-wave for around 2 - 3 minutes. They were nice and steamy and I would wrap them around the stringers or chines and the weight of the clamps would slowly twist them around. I would re-heat the towels every couple of minutes or so and within 10 to 15 minutes all the bends/twists would be done. I take the towels off and allow to dry/cool and then pull the clamps off. If I left the heat on until they bent/twisted past their proposed final position, then "spring-back" would put them just about right where I wanted them. No force on my part and Totally hands free to apply the screws or Plumbers tape to hold them to the forms. Some of the curves were "S" shaped and some had as much as 90* twists. No cracks, no breaks with the exception of a joint that I did a poor job on. Hope this works for someone that may be having some difficulty with their strips or stringers.
Messages In This Thread
- Bending....M.W. Style...Hands Free *Pic*
Rehd -- 2/16/2001, 3:40 am- Re: Bending....M.W. Style...Hands Free
Brad -- 2/16/2001, 2:17 pm- Re: Bending....M.W. Style...Hands Free
Rehd -- 2/16/2001, 9:14 pm
- Check your forms.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/16/2001, 3:58 am- Re: Better Form #1 a *Pic*
Rehd -- 2/17/2001, 9:54 pm- Re: Better Form #1 b ...sorry
Rehd -- 2/17/2001, 11:20 pm- Re: Better Form #1 b *Pic*
Rehd -- 2/17/2001, 10:03 pm - Re: Better Form #1 b *Pic*
- Re: 1 Step ahead
Rehd -- 2/16/2001, 9:00 am - Re: Better Form #1 b ...sorry
- Re: Bending....M.W. Style...Hands Free
- Re: Bending....M.W. Style...Hands Free