Boat Building Forum

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Re: Epiglass epoxy
By:Paul Lund
Date: 5/30/1998, 11:30 pm
In Response To: Epiglass epoxy (Doug Bell)


I'm using Epiglass HT9000 epoxy on stitch and glue (Nick's). Haven't sheathed the boat yet or used any other brand of epoxy, so I can't comment there.

Taping the seams was no problem, the resin wet out the tape easily enough. There was no amine blush when I coated the inside of the kayak.

Try to pick-up the product guides, they should be available (free) where you buy your resin, I've found these to be very helpfull. Epiglass have been around in Australia and New Zealand for years and as I understand have a very Good reputation. (if you're in OZ their helpline is 1800 251 431, in NZ it's 0800 808 807)

However, if you use the metering pumps that epiglass sell, keep an eye on the volumes they deliver, as I seem to be getting the mix too hot. Damn stuff boiled when I did my end pour last weekend, after I'd poured it of course. I went to check it after a half hour or so, and I could hear it bubbling. Can anyone tell me if this will be a problem? It set nice and hard, but only took about 2 hours and I had expected it to take about 6 hours.


Messages In This Thread

Epiglass epoxy
Doug Bell -- 5/31/1998, 12:14 am
Re: Epiglass epoxy
Paul Lund -- 5/30/1998, 11:30 pm