Date: 3/13/2001, 4:32 pm
Take a peek on ebay for a used or rebuilt sander. You should be able to pick one up for much less than new. I just did a search for "random sander" and found 24 matches. A vacuum attachment is a big plus, too - it will keep your basement (and rest of house) free of dust (assuming you attach a shop-vac).
: I've been lurking around the board and archives for a couple of weeks while
: preparing for and starting my first boat (arctic tern). I've been able to
: find answers to most of my questions so far, but now need help with this
: one.
: Most people seem to be using random orbital sanders, so, in prep for a Home
: Depot excursion later this week, I added one to my shopping list. This was
: challenged by my wife on the grounds that we already have a palm sander.
: On the spot, I couldn't come up with a better justification than something
: along the lines of "but all of the other kids have one". I've
: used up a lot of the available supply of tolerance and indulgence in
: getting the kit itself and taking over the basement. Any help on this?
Messages In This Thread
- sander justification
Matt Britschgi -- 3/13/2001, 2:59 pm- Re: sander justification
Derek -- 3/14/2001, 1:12 pm- Re: sander justification
Elliott -- 3/14/2001, 8:46 am- Re: sander justification
Matt Britschgi -- 3/14/2001, 2:14 am- Rent a ROS. Let HER try both. You'll get one *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/14/2001, 2:00 am- Not too proud to try a little treachery
Pete Rudie -- 3/14/2001, 12:49 am- Re: sander justification
bob -- 3/13/2001, 9:44 pm- Re: sander justification
Matt Britschgi -- 3/14/2001, 1:52 am
- Re: sander justification
Rehd -- 3/13/2001, 9:24 pm- Re: sander justification
Chris Swol -- 3/15/2001, 12:02 am- Re: sander justification
Rehd -- 3/15/2001, 3:13 am
- Re: sander justification
- Re: sander justification
Steve Lansdowne -- 3/13/2001, 8:31 pm- Re: sander justification
Ross Leidy -- 3/13/2001, 4:32 pm- Re: sander justification
Jerry Siegel -- 3/13/2001, 4:24 pm- Re: sander justification
Dave -- 3/13/2001, 3:57 pm- Ditto and more
Tom Kurth -- 3/13/2001, 4:28 pm
- Re: sander justification
- Re: sander justification