Date: 3/19/2001, 11:07 am
Hi John,
What you are suggesting will probably work if you don't let things sit around too long after glassing the inside. However, I would suggest that you use more glass. Whether you believe George's figures or not, one layer of 3.75 oz is definitely not enough. Just my opinion.
: Hi,
: I am a couple of days away from finishing the stripping of my boat. It will
: be nice to do something different. Some of you may remember that I had a
: gap between my haul and deck and the recommended rachet straps did pull it
: together while the deck was wetted down and heat gun dried. I want to fair
: the haul and deck together after I thick epoxy them together. That means
: fiberglassing the insides of the haul and deck first. Has anyone done this
: or am I headed for a problem. I need to be ordering my fiberglass and this
: is what I am thinking of using on my 12 foot boat. One layer 3.75 oz. open
: weave glass inside and one 3.75 layer on the outside, with reinforcing
: strips on the inside and outside of the deck/haul joint and also on the
: stem/stern/keel. Thanks for your comments.
: John
Messages In This Thread
- I need opinions.
John Monfoe -- 3/19/2001, 10:35 am- Re: I need opinions.
Geo. Cushing -- 3/19/2001, 2:23 pm - Re: I need opinions.
Ross Leidy -- 3/19/2001, 12:14 pm - Re: I need opinions.
David Hanson -- 3/19/2001, 11:24 am - Re: I need opinions.
Grant Goltz -- 3/19/2001, 11:07 am
- Re: I need opinions.