Hi All-
I am about to start the �glassing and finishing of my Guillemot.
Needed to wait for warm weather and income tax refund to proceed.
I�ve been mulling over what varnish to use.
I have seen several that say you don�t need to sand between coats.
Epiphanes makes one, and also Pettite makes Captain�s EZ-Care.
No sanding between coats, and UV absorbers too.
They say it can be top-coated with Captain�s or Flagship if a higher gloss is desired.
Has anyone any experience with these products?
Any good reason *not* to use it?
Also, how wide a roll of �glass do I need to buy?
27 yds at 50�, or 60�?
I�m planning on using 6 oz., with Raka 350 Hardener and 127 resin.
Thanks in advance-
Jack Gilman
Messages In This Thread
- Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
Jack -- 4/2/2001, 10:38 am- Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
Geo. Cushing -- 4/4/2001, 3:56 pm- Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
gary -- 4/2/2001, 5:26 pm- Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
David Hanson -- 4/2/2001, 4:11 pm- Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
Jenny -- 4/2/2001, 3:46 pm- Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/2/2001, 12:59 pm - Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?
- Re: Anyone use non-sanding varnish?