Varathane is a name brand of urethane put out by Fletco. I used Varathane Crystal Clear Waterbourne Diamond Outdoor Wood Finish, Outdoor Gloss. It is less toxic than oil-based and two-part urethanes, and is is available at most hardware stores. It is a clear wood finish, not the same a a spar varnish but it does the same type of thing. Chris Cunningham (editor of Sea Kayaker magazine) used Fletco brand floor urethane for his Greenland SOF kayak that he brought to R2K. I think it may be more durable than the outdoor finish.
: Mike,
: I'd have to agree with you. Having spent some time at the SoF sites I think
: that even with all our technology it is difficult to imagine shaving more
: than a couple punds from a native builder's frame. Based on the weights
: given for many of these craft the skin coverings were not heavy either.
: You mention "urethane" and "varathane" are these the same
: material and what specifically are they? Varishes, paints? Thanks.
: George C.

Messages In This Thread
- Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
David Blodgett -- 4/12/2001, 5:15 pm- Re: Quite Light Sea Kayak *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 4/13/2001, 12:46 am- Re: Quite Light Sea Kayak
Geo. Cushing -- 4/13/2001, 2:48 pm- Re: "urethane" and "varathane" *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 4/13/2001, 8:55 pm- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
Thumbs -- 4/13/2001, 10:25 pm- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
Arthur -- 4/13/2001, 11:25 pm- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
Geo. Cushing -- 4/17/2001, 3:06 pm- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
Arthur -- 4/18/2001, 7:44 pm
- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
- Re: "urethane" and "varathane"
- Re: "urethane" and "varathane" *Pic*
- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
David Dick -- 4/13/2001, 12:17 am- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
David Blodgett -- 4/13/2001, 12:43 am
- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
Thumbs -- 4/12/2001, 11:16 pm- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
Peter Harris -- 4/12/2001, 11:02 pm- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
Bill Price -- 4/12/2001, 8:17 pm- Re: Project X *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 4/12/2001, 7:38 pm- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/12/2001, 6:10 pm- Re: Ultralight Sea Kayak Idea
David Blodgett -- 4/12/2001, 9:48 pm
- Re: Quite Light Sea Kayak
- Re: Quite Light Sea Kayak *Pic*