Date: 4/22/2001, 8:02 pm
hello ken,
i don't know if this is the correct response, so take it for what's it worth.
what i did with my stitch holes is fist go over them w/ unthicked expoxy, and then about 24 hours later i took a cheap plastic putty knife and applied a tiny amount of thickened epoxy over each hole. don't worry, it takes no time at all and very little resin. i used west system miro-ballons. easy sanding stuff, i think it was nine bucks for a can that faired out my entire boat.
hope this helps, post pics when you can.
brett the hitman hart
: Well I got tired of waiting for the weather to warm up here in the great
: white north and moved the Baidarka from the garage to the basement, it
: took longer to clean up my basement workshop than anticipated and I've
: made a mental note to be neater for the rest of my life!
: I took a pics and will post them when I get the time and inclination to
: figure out what all is involved.
: I've done a seal coat on the inside of the hull and will be applying 4 oz
: cloth in the A.M., the holes from the wire stitches were not filled at all
: with the seal coat of epoxy (I tried to keep this coat thin). Should I be
: giving these holes any special attention, eg filling, or will they be
: taken care of just by the wetout of the inside and outside of the hull and
: deck?
: Also, I have a spot about the size of a dime on the OUTSIDE rear deck, on the
: bare wood that seems to be oily to the touch. I don't know what I might
: have dripped on the area but what should I do to minimize the effects,
: both visual and structural, during my wetout of the deck?
: Thanks,
: Ken
Messages In This Thread
- Back to work
Ken Sutherland -- 4/22/2001, 4:22 am- Re: Back to work
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/22/2001, 8:02 pm- Re: Back to work
Ken Sutherland -- 5/1/2001, 12:04 pm
- Re: Back to work
- Re: Back to work