Our online addiction team will be at your building site in a matter of hours, assuming you are providing directions, food, beverage, and a place to sit while we kibbitz.
Unlike most addiction teams -- you know, those that try to get you to stop being addicted -- our team will be happy to encourage you at every turn to get deper and deeper into the maze of happy boat building.
Glad to hear you are going to get started. It is about time.
It took me a over a year to buy my first book on building a canoe. I saw it on a shelf at an outdoors shop, and did not have the money at the time. But the idea of building my own boat sank in immediately. And I dreamed about it.
By the time I went back to the store to get the book, it had been sold and the retailer had to try and find what I wanted -- and of course I had forgotten the title. All I could tell them was that about a year before I had seen a book on building canoes. That was enough. They found me David Hazen's book, and Gil Gilpatrick's book. I thought there was jsut one book on the subject. When I saw that there were two, I had to splurge and buy them both. Never regretted it.
Holler if you need any encouragement.
Messages In This Thread
- Great Bulletin Board
Chuck Birch -- 5/2/2001, 8:58 am- Re: Great Bulletin Board
Andy Miller -- 5/7/2001, 11:27 pm- I ain't no stripper...
Mark -- 5/3/2001, 6:15 am- Re: Great Bulletin Board
Rehd -- 5/2/2001, 11:22 pm- It's a trap
Dave Seales -- 5/2/2001, 11:04 pm- Re: It's a trap
RM Dalton -- 5/2/2001, 11:10 pm- Re: I'm not addicted
Roger Nuffer -- 5/3/2001, 9:04 pm- Re: I'm not addicted
John Monfoe -- 5/10/2001, 7:24 am
- Re: I'm not addicted
- Re: I'm not addicted
- Only regret is not starting sooner
Bruce -- 5/2/2001, 7:07 pm- Re: Only regret is not starting sooner
Chuck Birch -- 5/2/2001, 7:36 pm
- Re: Great Bulletin Board
David -- 5/2/2001, 6:02 pm- Re: The trick is...
Don Beale -- 5/2/2001, 5:28 pm- Re: Great Bulletin Board
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 5/2/2001, 4:50 pm- Re: Great Bulletin Board
daniel -- 5/9/2001, 11:34 am- Re: Great Bulletin Board
dick kirschbaum -- 5/3/2001, 3:57 pm- Re: Great Bulletin Board
Lee Gardner -- 5/3/2001, 5:09 pm
- Re: Temptation
Shawn Baker -- 5/2/2001, 4:58 pm- Or as nice as Shawn's *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 5/2/2001, 9:32 pm
- Re: Great Bulletin Board
- Where are you located -- we'll send help
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/2/2001, 3:20 pm- Re: Where are you located -- we'll send help
Chuck Birch -- 5/2/2001, 4:00 pm- Building it cheaper.
John Monfoe -- 5/3/2001, 7:11 am- Re: Counsellor nearby
Ross Leidy -- 5/3/2001, 12:42 am- Re: Counsellor nearby...Oh no
Ben Staley -- 5/3/2001, 12:51 am
- Re: Where are you located -- we'll send help
Dale Frolander -- 5/2/2001, 9:29 pm- Re: Encouragement
Shawn Baker -- 5/2/2001, 5:20 pm- Re: Encouragement
Mike Hanks -- 5/2/2001, 5:55 pm- Re: Money Money Money
Roger Nuffer -- 5/2/2001, 10:11 pm- What tools?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/3/2001, 2:40 am- They would, except...
Julie Kanarr -- 5/3/2001, 11:06 am- Tools?!! You have Tools?
James Neely -- 5/3/2001, 12:05 pm
- Blasphemy!!
Byron -- 5/3/2001, 10:20 am- Re: Blasphemy!!
Rick M -- 5/3/2001, 8:46 pm
- Tools?!! You have Tools?
- They would, except...
- What tools?
- Re: Money Money Money
- Re: Counsellor nearby
- Building it cheaper.
- Why wait!
Steve -- 5/2/2001, 9:07 am- Re: Why wait! Steve is right.
Tony -- 5/2/2001, 12:03 pm
- I ain't no stripper...
- Re: Great Bulletin Board