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Re: Gyroscopic stabilization (cont'd)
By:Mark Kanzler
Date: 6/17/1998, 11:23 am

I'll accept that they're minimal and not important, but not that gyroscopics have absolutely no effect.

It appears that geometry is similar to dihedral in giving inherent stability, and is far more important than gyro effects. I'll stand corrected.

I don't think that two opposite spinning gyros would cancel out, I think it'd be twice as hard to perturb the axis, but I could be wrong. If anyone knows I'd like to learn, if it's a long explanation go ahead and email me.

> I read somewhere where a guy mounted a second front wheel beside
> the first and rigged it to spin the same speed but in the opposite
> direction so as to cancel the gyroscopic effects. It was still rideable
> and fairly comfortable as long as the trail remained positive.

Messages In This Thread

Re: Another way to combine bicycling and kayaking
David Dick -- 6/17/1998, 5:08 am
Re: Gyroscopic stabilization (cont'd)
Mark Kanzler -- 6/17/1998, 11:23 am
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
NPenney -- 6/17/1998, 2:20 pm
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
Mark Kanzler -- 6/19/1998, 7:12 pm
Re: Gyroscopic question (again)
Mark Kanzler -- 6/19/1998, 7:02 pm
Re: Gyro question (again) / Paddle design
David Dick -- 6/20/1998, 6:30 am
Re: Paddle design, how is it done?
Mark Kanzler -- 6/20/1998, 10:34 am
Re: Gyroscopic question (again)
David Dick -- 6/20/1998, 6:21 am
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
David Dick -- 6/17/1998, 9:38 pm
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
NPenney -- 6/18/1998, 7:36 am
Re: Maybe curiousity and a sense of wonder is why some build their own kayaks, eh?
Mark Kanzler -- 6/19/1998, 7:25 pm
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
Karl Kulp -- 6/18/1998, 11:24 am
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
Mark Kanzler -- 6/17/1998, 2:33 pm
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
NPenney -- 6/17/1998, 2:59 pm
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
Mark Kanzler -- 6/17/1998, 4:11 pm
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
NPenney -- 6/18/1998, 7:02 am
Re: Gyroscopic cancellation
Mark Kanzler -- 6/19/1998, 7:17 pm
Re: Gyroscopic stabilization (cont'd)
David Dick -- 6/17/1998, 1:40 pm
Re: Instability vs. Induced Oscillation
Mark Kanzler -- 6/17/1998, 2:12 pm