Date: 6/19/2001, 11:33 pm
: I just purchased a Folbot Super second hand and would like to replace the
: hull fabric. I don't know what to use or where to go to get the fabric.
: Are there places that would replace it for me?
: I really don't want to
: spend more than $500 to do it if I can get away with it. I would also like
: to know what the floating devices were that went in the ends of the boat
: and where I could possibly get those. I would really appreciate any
: information that anyone has about the Folbot Super. Evidently the company
: re-tooled in 1989 and doesn't make any of the replacement parts. That's
: about the extent of my knowledge so if you have words of wisdom please
: send them my way.
First, while it sounds like you have done some research on this, I'm going to suggest you check directly with the factory, and the previous owner -- if you can find them. The Folbot website ( says that these things have a lifetime warranty, to the original owner. Perhaps that only applies to current models, though. Otherwise, get the original owner to write them for a replacement skin.
If the factory does not still make replacement skins for the older boats they may know of a company that does. Or, they might be able to supply you with their waterproofed fabric (material) by the yard, so you can assemble your own replacement. Or, check their website for the user's forum and post a message there asking for help. Someone may have an old, slightly used skin for your boat.
If you can't get a line on a ready-made hull skin through dealing directly with Folbot, then you should try to get some PVC coated fabric from McMaster-Carr, ( search for "heavy weight fabric"). The 61 inch wide, 23 ounce material is a good value at $3.06 a running foot ($9.18 a yard). 20 feet will set you back a bit over $61. Or you can get some dacron or nylon fabric from George Dyson, and also get some hypalon from him to coat it.
The "floating devices that went in the ends of the boat" are shown in the Folbot store on their webpage. They are tapered drybags that sell for about $64 each. You could probably make your own for a lot less.
Hope this helps.
Folbot drybag - - - - >

Messages In This Thread
- Folbot Super recover hull
Danna Kewish -- 6/19/2001, 5:01 pm- Re: Folbot Super recover hull
Matt Britschgi -- 6/22/2001, 9:47 pm- Re: Folbot Super recover hull *Pic*
Paul G. -- 6/19/2001, 11:33 pm- Re: Folbot Super recover hull
Robb -- 6/19/2001, 8:41 pm- Re: Folbot Super recover hull *NM*
f a moore -- 6/19/2001, 7:51 pm - Re: Folbot Super recover hull *Pic*
- Re: Folbot Super recover hull