Date: 7/10/2001, 6:12 am
This is the mold and wiping gage that I will use in my experimental attempt to wipe up a coaming for my kayak in about half an hour from now. The picture isn't too clear what the coaming will look like, but the outside is rounded as you see the wiping gage is and the inside has a 1/2" radiused inset for the skirt to set in. Also there is a 1/4" lip that will seat down over the 1/4" strip thickness of the cockpit opening to dress it up. The mold will be greased with crisco for release. The whole thing will be wiped with two part body plastic which sets very quikly and then the coaming must be put around the cockpit opening very quicly while it is still somewhat plyable. There is probably less then a 50% chance this will work.

Messages In This Thread
- Mold for wiping coaming. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 7/10/2001, 6:12 am- A section of the molding I wiped up. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 7/11/2001, 9:43 am- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/13/2001, 12:16 pm- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
erez -- 7/11/2001, 4:03 pm- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
John Monfoe -- 7/12/2001, 7:14 am- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
Ken Sutherland -- 7/13/2001, 1:20 am- sounds good
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/13/2001, 3:31 am- Re: sounds good
Pete Rudie -- 7/13/2001, 12:02 pm- Hi Pete & Malcolm
John Monfoe -- 7/14/2001, 7:19 am
- Re: sounds good
John Monfoe -- 7/13/2001, 5:59 am- Thickened epoxy
Jim -- 7/13/2001, 1:52 pm
- Hi Pete & Malcolm
- Re: sounds good
- sounds good
- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
- Stay with the look
!RUSS -- 7/10/2001, 5:03 pm- Thanks everyone.
John Monfoe -- 7/11/2001, 6:12 am- Tangential boat builder calling
!RUSS -- 7/11/2001, 9:29 am
- Tangential boat builder calling
- It didn't work. I need something that is fast. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 7/10/2001, 9:26 am- need reinforcing
mike allen -- 7/10/2001, 11:56 am- Simple coaming jig
Jim -- 7/10/2001, 10:33 am- Re: It didn't work. I need something that is fast.
Guy Kaminski -- 7/10/2001, 9:45 am - Simple coaming jig
- Re: A section of the molding I wiped up.
- A section of the molding I wiped up. *Pic*