Date: 7/15/2001, 5:52 pm
Thanks Mike, again my apologies. I never intended to come across the way I apparently did. I fully understand your rationale for suggesting building with bulkheads. However, although this is the conventional wisdom, I have not found a boat without bulkheads takes on any significant amount of water in any conditions. Also, I prefer a clean look and would hate to spend so much time building a beautiful boat and then cut holes in it. Again I acknowledge there are many really neat hatch systems that have been developed by some of the more experienced builders that minimize the appearance of hatches. It all comes down to personal preference and experience. This is my way. Different strokes I guess. Perhaps, depending on experience it might be best to start with a bulkheaded boat and then build another later without (there will undoubtedly be a second noat). Good luck, focus on the fun when it's completed and don't agonize too much over the details at this stage. There will be lots to agonize over later
Messages In This Thread
- Why Hatches?
Rene Braun -- 7/15/2001, 11:11 am- Re: Why Hatches?
Julie Kanarr -- 7/17/2001, 1:50 pm- maybe
mike allen -- 7/17/2001, 2:36 pm- Re: maybe
Julie Kanarr -- 7/18/2001, 5:24 pm- Re: maybe - another hatch and footbrace option
Dave S. -- 7/24/2001, 12:08 am- expanded a bit
mike allen -- 7/18/2001, 6:28 pm - expanded a bit
- Re: maybe - another hatch and footbrace option
- Re: maybe
- Re: Why Hatches?
Geo. Cushing -- 7/16/2001, 4:35 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
West -- 7/16/2001, 9:19 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
West -- 7/16/2001, 10:23 pm
- Re: Why Hatches?
- Re: Why Hatches?
Bob Kelim -- 7/15/2001, 9:52 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
LeeG -- 7/15/2001, 7:26 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
Roy Morford -- 7/15/2001, 12:10 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/15/2001, 7:21 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
Shawn Baker -- 7/16/2001, 10:20 am
- First in the Chorus
Mike Scarborough -- 7/15/2001, 4:16 pm- Re: First in the Chorus
Roy Morford -- 7/15/2001, 5:52 pm
- Re: Why Hatches?
- Re: Why Hatches?
Mike -- 7/15/2001, 12:04 pm- Re: Why Hatches?
Roy Morford -- 7/15/2001, 12:16 pm- gee thanks
Mike -- 7/15/2001, 12:58 pm- Re: Internet discussion
Shawn Baker -- 7/16/2001, 10:13 am- Re: Sorry Mike - no offence intended *NM*
Roy Morford -- 7/15/2001, 2:49 pm - Re: Sorry Mike - no offence intended *NM*
- Re: Internet discussion
- gee thanks
- maybe
- Re: Why Hatches?