Date: 7/20/2001, 4:03 am
: Is there anything else I can use? parrafin wax,paste wax?
: Yes! You can use a good carnuba car wax paste like Tree Wax. Also, siran wrap
: works well as a release film, as do the thin gage teflon and FEP and PTFE
: films.
: There are good hi-build Liquid release agents as well, like green PVA, and a
: host of liquids such as those sold to commercial molders; many of which
: are water based and user friendly. You can do a web search on composites
: and release agents and then e mail them for a small sample, or call their
: toll free lines and talk to a tech rep about your project. They like
: helping the underdog.
: Try Zyvax, FreKote, Airtech for good ones.
: Lastly, liquid dish washing detergent works well as a release for some
: systems.
: Always test a small panel before committing to your layup with any release.
: Hope this helps.
: RL
Yes, if you can find the Green water based poly release it is as good as it gets. Pattern Shop suppliers have it. Brush it on and let dry, 3 coats. Then three coats of past wax, each shined. Easy washup with water after your cast seperation.
Messages In This Thread
- mold release agent for seating hatches
mark stevens -- 7/19/2001, 2:28 pm- Re: mold release agent for seating hatches
Tom -- 7/20/2001, 1:12 pm - Re: mold release agent for seating hatches
John Monfoe -- 7/20/2001, 3:57 am - Re: mold release Trix
RL -- 7/20/2001, 3:53 am- Re: mold release Trix
John Monfoe -- 7/20/2001, 4:03 am- Re: mold release Trix
Shawn Baker -- 7/20/2001, 10:32 am- Re: mold release Trix
John Monfoe -- 7/21/2001, 7:09 am
- Re: mold release Trix
- insomnia?
rick M -- 7/20/2001, 4:50 am- Re: insomnia?
John Monfoe -- 7/20/2001, 5:56 am
- Re: insomnia?
- Re: mold release Trix
- Re: mold release Trix
- Re: mold release agent for seating hatches
Doug K. -- 7/19/2001, 9:04 pm - Contac paper
Mitch Isoe -- 7/19/2001, 2:40 pm- Re: Contac paper
Ross Leidy -- 7/19/2001, 2:47 pm- Re: Contac paper
Shawn Baker -- 7/19/2001, 3:31 pm- maybe you were thinking of PAM, oil spray *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/19/2001, 11:34 pm - Re: Contac paper
Ross Leidy -- 7/19/2001, 4:17 pm- Re: Contac paper
mark stevens -- 7/19/2001, 5:37 pm - hairspray as a release
mike allen -- 7/19/2001, 5:31 pm- Re: hairspray as a release (expensive?)
Shawn Baker -- 7/19/2001, 6:50 pm- Re: hairspray as a release (expensive?)
mike allen -- 7/19/2001, 6:53 pm- Re: it definitely counts
Shawn Baker -- 7/20/2001, 10:19 am- oh no, i thought i was unique
mike allen -- 7/20/2001, 11:08 am- Just be glad you don't look like that *OT* *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 7/20/2001, 3:39 pm- i wish i did look like that
mike allen -- 7/20/2001, 4:29 pm
- i wish i did look like that
- Re: so did I
Shawn Baker -- 7/20/2001, 11:37 am
- Just be glad you don't look like that *OT* *Pic*
- oh no, i thought i was unique
- Re: it definitely counts
- Re: hairspray as a release (expensive?)
- Re: hairspray as a release (expensive?)
- Re: Contac paper
- maybe you were thinking of PAM, oil spray *NM*
- Re: Contac paper
- Re: Contac paper
- Re: mold release agent for seating hatches