If the article that you mentioned is on the web could you tell us where we might find and read it.
: OK, I won't use steel wool and I am off today to get some 400 and 600 grit to
: try your system Brian. And I will try Paul's way of preserving my varnish.
: Clever. I have been pouring it in another container and caping the orginal
: container right away. A couple of questions. I wet sanded one time with
: 220 and didn't like the way the white build up seem to take place on my
: sandpaper and also left in white residue on the boat that was hard to get
: off. Is this the way it is for you guys? And how many sheets of paper
: should it usually take to sand the boat one time? Drysanding, I keep
: cleaning out the white residue that keeps cloging the sandpaper. As you
: can see I don't know the techneque of what it should be like.
: I do like the wiping way of putting on varnish since I think I would make a
: mess of it by brushing. Thanks REHD. I found an article where this guy
: wipes on poly and sands with 220 between coats but towards the the end he
: puts on a coat, waits 2 hours and wipes on another coat. I just have to
: try it today on my 5th and 6th coat.
: Thanks for all of the infor-----John
Messages In This Thread
- Varnishing.
John Monfoe -- 7/25/2001, 6:28 am- Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello
Dave Houser -- 7/25/2001, 7:29 pm- Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello
Tony -- 7/26/2001, 1:54 pm- other sources for carbon dioxide
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/27/2001, 4:11 am
- try this
Paul G. -- 7/25/2001, 10:59 pm- Re: Propane works too
Don Beale -- 7/26/2001, 2:27 pm- Think methane would work? just hold it near..
Ben Staley -- 7/26/2001, 3:22 pm- Re: yeah - eat beans, insert tube! *NM*
Don Beale -- 7/27/2001, 6:11 pm- Varnishing by the light of your mooning?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/27/2001, 3:49 am- Nah.. It might draw flies to your fresh varnish
Ted Henry -- 7/26/2001, 5:43 pm - Varnishing by the light of your mooning?
- Re: yeah - eat beans, insert tube! *NM*
- Think methane would work? just hold it near..
- other sources for carbon dioxide
- Re: Varnishing.
Brian Nystrom -- 7/25/2001, 1:16 pm- As always--great information from all of you.
John Monfoe -- 7/26/2001, 5:44 am- Re: As always--great information from all of you.
Julie Kanarr -- 7/26/2001, 10:24 am- Re: And it doesnt take much
Don Beale -- 7/26/2001, 11:59 am- Put some water on it !!!
John Monfoe -- 7/26/2001, 1:44 pm
- Julie's right
Brian Nystrom -- 7/26/2001, 11:51 am - Put some water on it !!!
- Re: As always--great information from all of you.
Ken Sutherland -- 7/26/2001, 5:49 am- Try this link Ken.
John Monfoe -- 7/26/2001, 1:48 pm- Thanks John! *NM*
Ken Sutherland -- 7/26/2001, 11:28 pm
- Thanks John! *NM*
- Re: And it doesnt take much
- Re: As always--great information from all of you.
- Re: Varnishing.
Rehd -- 7/25/2001, 9:08 am - Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello
- Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello