Date: 8/9/2001, 3:13 pm
Thanks !RUSS and Jim.
!RUSS, I'll take a look at it again tonight and see if I think I'm up to the task of the rabbet patch idea. I'm so new at this I'm afraid I might screw it up worse!
Jim, I think it IS on deck side of shear seam. I've sanded off the excess epoxy from the seams but haven't rounded them yet. So, I'm not sure what the seam looks like after rounding and where the boo-boo will sit once the seam is rounded. I really hadn't though about the shear tape trim strip. I didn't think I'd need one. Since I haven't sanded the seam round I don't know how ugly the seam gets... I guess I've been assuming that the trim strip was decorative and sat just below the shear seam. But if it fully spans the seam (which I guess makes sense if it's supposed to hide the seam - IS that the reason for it?) then maybe it will be just underneath the tape (I'll just get really WIDE tape!).
Darn... Building my Pygmy Arctic Tern has been going pretty well until last
: night. While sanding the excess epoxy/wood flour on the deck joints, I
: sanded through the outer layer of veneer on one of the joints. The middle
: layer of the three-layer mahogany plywood is CLOSE to the same color as
: the outer layer, but it looks like there is a very dark glue between the
: layers. This creates a really noticable line where I've sanded through.
: It's not a BIG deal (the area is on the stern end of the deck and is about
: an inch and a half long... maybe 1/4 inch wide - with a 16th inch dark
: glue line and 3/16ths middle ply), but I'm wondering if I can
: "mask" the dark area somehow (???).
: I was thinking maybe a beige paint could be dabbed on the dark line but I'm
: not sure if the epoxy saturation coat would have a problem with it (and
: then, of course, the fiberglass layer on top of that). What kind of paint
: might work? Any ideas... opinions... maybe I should just consider it a
: "beauty mark", but it's really bugging me.
: - Keith
Messages In This Thread
- Argh! Sanded through veneer layer on S&G deck
Keith Marsh -- 8/9/2001, 2:16 pm- do a little painting...
Jim Eisenmenger -- 8/10/2001, 9:13 pm- Re: do a little painting...
Keith Marsh -- 8/13/2001, 11:51 am
- Re: do a little painting...
- Re: Argh! Sanded through veneer layer on S&G deck
Keith Marsh -- 8/10/2001, 4:54 pm - Re: Argh! Its a Beauty Mark
Roger Nuffer -- 8/9/2001, 9:36 pm- Re: Argh! Its a Beauty Mark
Ric Altfather -- 8/10/2001, 1:00 pm
- Re: Argh! Its a Beauty Mark
- Re: Argh! Sanded through veneer layer on S&G deck
Keith Marsh -- 8/9/2001, 3:13 pm- Re: Argh! Sanded through veneer layer on S&G deck
Jim Kozel -- 8/9/2001, 9:59 pm
- Re: Argh! Sanded through veneer layer on S&G deck
- Re: Argh! Sanded through veneer layer on S&G deck
Jim Kozel -- 8/9/2001, 2:32 pm - Re: Argh
!RUSS -- 8/9/2001, 2:31 pm
- do a little painting...