Date: 8/12/2001, 1:02 pm
: Hi there, Mick.
: Thanks for the response. One of your carts was what I had in mind all this
: time; it's right here in my pile of projects to do (so many projects, so
: little beer...) It is 'Smorgasbord a la Cart' (5a-dwg9/13), posted here
: 10/1/99 (#17660, I think). So it's been almost 2 years, and that probably
: means I just wasn't going to do it anytime soon. Luckily, I don't have to
: portage much.
: This image shows the thing a little better. Front is to the right. Are you
: saying I need another strut on each side from, say, near the wheel (at the
: piece of green tape) back up to the rear crossbar on that same side (at
: the piece of yellow tape)? If my crossbars are only about 6" wide,
: would you say make up some wider ones (12"?) and attach the new
: struts to the ends of these?
: Struts already connect the front crossbar to the wheels, as you can also see
: here. Does that change your idea, or do you still say the wheel-to-rear is
: the way to go?
: As you can also see, I've already connected the two wheel axles with
: non-stretching line to limit spreading.
: So far, so good, and it does fit into the rear compartment!
: Pete,
: in Snohomish
Hey Pete,
Good pic. Cool that you have that cart dwg, too.
But even in that dwg i should have added side struts or at least lines. Been thinking of updating the dwg when i have time (yuk yuk)
the side struts need to go from around the green tape area(can you take the wheels off and mount right behind the wheel?) up to 1/4 the way around the yak from the yellow tape to attach to the rear webbing around say the sheer. keep the strut a little long by a few inches so absolutely no chance of jabbing the yak side.
Cause any little asymmetric bumps or holes make the yak rotate putting huge leverage stress on the 2 little hinges between the spine and either leg(just 8inches up from the green tape)
So if you can put it behind the wheel, it;ll just fold up w/ the rest of it.
for the webbing/strut connection just use detail 1-a (say there was only pc in the picture).
ps -was supposed to be working yesterday, had a chance to hit a local river and took it. tucked in behind rocks i'd repeatedly look at the sun, the blue sky, the trees, the river , hear the sound, long surfs - & count my blessings. working now but dreaming of yesterday. (well aside from ...)

Messages In This Thread
- Get Thee To A Yard Sale! *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/10/2001, 8:27 pm- good pickoff
mike allen -- 8/10/2001, 8:51 pm- Stress 'n Struts *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/11/2001, 12:41 pm- Re: Stress 'n Struts *Pic*
mike allen -- 8/12/2001, 1:02 pm- Ah, I get it... . *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/14/2001, 2:37 pm- looks good! - want long term report.
mike allen -- 8/14/2001, 4:18 pm
- looks good! - want long term report.
- Ah, I get it... . *Pic*
- Re: Stress 'n Struts *Pic*
- Stress 'n Struts *Pic*
- good pickoff