Bubble boat Shop?
Date: 8/12/2001, 2:49 pm
Date: 8/12/2001, 2:49 pm
Hey gang,
Just ran into as I was researching a nonboat project.
One of the things that keeps coming up is shops that need to be built on land that has to be primarily for something else. It wouldn't work for everyone. Definatly not a cold weather shelter. And I'm not sure its a solution for anyone. Still, perhaps there is just enough of idea in there for someone.....
Messages In This Thread
- Bubble boat Shop?
!RUSS -- 8/12/2001, 2:49 pm- One heck of a paddle float
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/13/2001, 10:22 pm- Spilled my coffee
!RUSS -- 8/14/2001, 8:22 am
- One heck of a paddle float
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/13/2001, 9:34 pm - Spilled my coffee
- One heck of a paddle float