Boat Building Forum

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Re: free plans s&g
By:Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks
Date: 8/13/2001, 10:09 am
In Response To: free plans s&g (joaquin)

: Hello everybody,
: has anybody built the kayak following the free s&g plans from guillemot??
: Is there no other way to join the deck to the hull but taping the inside?
: It sounds extremely akward. Aren�t several glas layers on the outside not
: enough?
: Thanks for the inputs?
: Joaquin

For light use, you could probably get away without the inner seam tape, but some reinforcement is recommened. I think the seam tape is easier than a sheer clamp in the long run.

Messages In This Thread

free plans s&g
joaquin -- 8/11/2001, 4:34 am
Re: free plans s&g
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/13/2001, 10:09 am
Re: free plans s&g
joaquin -- 8/13/2001, 12:13 pm
Re: free plans s&g
Paul Lund -- 8/11/2001, 7:41 pm
glassing inside shear with roller
Dave W, -- 8/12/2001, 9:02 pm
Re: glassing inside shear with roller
Paul Lund -- 8/13/2001, 5:30 am
Re: taping the inner shear
Dean Trexel -- 8/11/2001, 3:18 pm