Date: 8/14/2001, 7:23 am

: Hi John,
: I just returned from two seperate 5 day canoe trips, one with my daughter and
: one with my son, that took us through lakes just west of the Quetico Park
: area,and just northwest of the BWCA.
: The water levels were higher than normal, causing strong currents, something
: to think about and plan for if your route takes you upstream in some
: areas. I paddled for all I was worth for 45 minutes to paddle upstream
: through a channel from one open stretch of water to another. I've done the
: same paddle at an easy pace in 20 mins in other years.
: The berries were very plentiful. Lots of blueberries and wild raspberries. My
: son Keenan, who's 6 and I picked enough to spice up our breakfasts every
: morning. While my daughter Kayla, who is 8, and goes through the bush like
: a wolf picked about a quart a day so we had lots for breakfast and for
: desert after supper.
: We did see bear droppings during our travels, that indicated that the bears
: are feeding on berries, and hopefully they are too busy fattening up on
: berries to bother you.
: Have a great trip. Keep a journal and write in it every night, while the
: events of the day are still fresh in your mind. Take lots of pictures, and
: when you get back put together a nice book with the entrys from the
: journal and the pictures. Then come January you can stretch out in front
: of the fire and re-live you trip of a life-time again and again. And start
: planning your next trip of a life-time.
: Be safe,
: Ken
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the good info Ken, along with you Russ. Trying to cram all of my equipment into this 12 footer almost looks like mission impossible, but somehow I will get it done. I am packing and repacking to get it all to fit. One trip portaging is out. It will require two. I must have been dreaming. I'm glad the bears have plenty to eat as they do worry me. I do have pen and paper to write a little each night.
Thanks all,
Messages In This Thread
- Cheap Compass *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 8/11/2001, 3:08 am- Avoid Auto compasses
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/14/2001, 10:58 pm- Re: Auto compasses are fine
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/15/2001, 9:30 am- Obviously I have been less fortunate
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/15/2001, 9:41 pm- Re: Obviously I have been less fortunate
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/16/2001, 9:10 am
- True and Direct on the same compass card
!RUSS -- 8/15/2001, 9:56 am - Re: Obviously I have been less fortunate
- Re: Avoid Auto compasses- Why???
Dave S. -- 8/15/2001, 1:24 am- Why? Purely personal : They confuse me ! *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/15/2001, 9:28 pm
- Obviously I have been less fortunate
- Re: Cheap Compass
Brad -- 8/13/2001, 8:04 am- Re: Cheap Compass
John Monfoe -- 8/14/2001, 7:09 am
- Re: Cheap Compass as backup
Erez -- 8/13/2001, 1:29 am- Cheap compass
!RUSS -- 8/11/2001, 2:24 pm- Re: Cheap compass
Dan -- 8/14/2001, 12:14 am- Re: Cheap compass
John Monfoe -- 8/14/2001, 7:02 am
- Re: Cheap compass
John Monfoe -- 8/12/2001, 4:30 am- Re: Cheap compass
daren neufeld -- 8/12/2001, 10:00 am- Re: Cheap compass
John Monfoe -- 8/13/2001, 2:42 am
- Re: Cheap advice
!RUSS -- 8/12/2001, 9:10 am- More Cheap advice
Ken Sutherland -- 8/13/2001, 4:00 am- Re: More Cheap advice
John Monfoe -- 8/14/2001, 7:23 am- Even Cheaper advice
!RUSS -- 8/13/2001, 9:41 am - Even Cheaper advice
- You have great advise.
John Monfoe -- 8/13/2001, 3:39 am- Re: You have great advise.
Erik H -- 8/16/2001, 12:13 pm- Great Site Erick, thanks. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 8/19/2001, 5:59 am
- Yup, tooth brush and tooth paste, too.
Tony -- 8/13/2001, 12:13 pm - Great Site Erick, thanks. *NM*
- Re: More Cheap advice
- Re: Cheap compass
- Re: Cheap compass
- Re: Auto compasses are fine
- Avoid Auto compasses