Dog on a Stick? == paddle float

By:Ross Leidy
Date: 8/16/2001, 10:35 am
Date: 8/16/2001, 10:35 am
In Response To: Dog on a Stick????? (John Soberay)
Messages In This Thread
- Dog on a Stick?????
John Soberay -- 8/16/2001, 9:47 am- Bright Side?
Bryan Sarauer -- 8/17/2001, 1:50 pm- Wash the boat with diluted vinegar
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/17/2001, 12:41 am- Yip Yip Yip all the way home
don -- 8/16/2001, 11:53 pm- Re: Dog on a Stick?????
Jim Pace -- 8/16/2001, 9:14 pm- Every dog has its day
Pete Notman -- 8/16/2001, 5:50 pm- Give the doggie a nice bowl of antifreeze *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 8/16/2001, 2:23 pm- Dog owner on a Stick?????
Doug K -- 8/16/2001, 12:11 pm- better than what I got!
Tony -- 8/16/2001, 11:36 am- Re: While the neighbor watched?!? (OT)
Don Beale -- 8/16/2001, 11:27 am- Re: Dog on a Stick?????
Elliot -- 8/16/2001, 11:14 am- Re: Dog on a Stick?????
LeeG -- 8/16/2001, 11:02 am- Dog on a Stick? == paddle float
Ross Leidy -- 8/16/2001, 10:35 am- fiberglass encapsulated doggie boat-anchor *NM*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/16/2001, 10:18 am - Wash the boat with diluted vinegar
- Bright Side?