Date: 8/17/2001, 2:52 pm
Hi Bruce, I was going to try to find a used large wetsuit at a salvation army, I've seen some as low as 5 or 10 bucks and see what I can do with that.
I was assuming that I could sew and cement the seams but I've never done anything with that particular material and don't know the procedure well. I am fairly proficient with a sewing machine and have sewn some stretchy fabrics before.
Are there specific tricks to sewing it that you've learned??
Thanks, Ben
: I have made many. If you have a source for low cost neoprene.(If you buy
: neoprene at retail you will come close to the price of a complete skirt at
: a low cost supplier such as Whetstone) They are not hard to make. If you
: can find neoprene with only one side of nylon you can use the techniques
: of gluing it up with neoprene cement, contact cement or aquaseal. If you
: have the two sided neoprene you must sew the skirt either by hand or if
: you are better than me with a sewing machine by machine. The basics are
: inthe back of the book on building your own kayaks out of fiberglass (Home
: Built Kayaks ???) This book is still in print and costs around $8.00. I do
: not remember the exact title. If you cannot find it email me and I will
: look it up. You may have to fiddle around to get the skirt to fit for all
: conditions so count on extra neoprene.
Messages In This Thread
- Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
Ben Staley -- 8/17/2001, 1:16 pm- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
LeeG -- 8/17/2001, 3:12 pm- Gluing Neoprene.
Shawn Baker -- 8/22/2001, 10:38 am- Re: Sewing
Mike Scarborough -- 8/18/2001, 1:25 pm- Hey, I can ask him tomorrow at R2K1
Ben Staley -- 8/17/2001, 4:08 pm- Easy Ben the KBA is watching you
!RUSS -- 8/17/2001, 8:39 pm- Re: Easy Ben the KBA is watching you
Rehd -- 8/22/2001, 12:08 pm- RATS!!! the secrets out
!RUSS -- 8/27/2001, 9:26 am- Re: the secrets out : Not Yet!! O.T.
Rehd -- 8/27/2001, 10:34 am- Re: the secrets out : Not Yet!! O.T.
Bill Price -- 8/27/2001, 5:53 pm- Re: the secrets out : Not Yet!! O.T.
Rehd -- 8/27/2001, 7:41 pm
- Re: the secrets out : Not Yet!! O.T.
- Re: the secrets out : Not Yet!! O.T.
- Re: the secrets out : Not Yet!! O.T.
- OK forget Rehd's cookies
!RUSS -- 8/17/2001, 8:43 pm- Re: OK forget Rehd's cookies
Ben Staley -- 8/18/2001, 9:21 am
- RATS!!! the secrets out
- Re: Hey, OT
LeeG -- 8/17/2001, 6:15 pm - Re: Easy Ben the KBA is watching you
- Re: Sewing
- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
Bruce Schultz -- 8/17/2001, 1:59 pm- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
Ben Staley -- 8/17/2001, 2:52 pm- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
Bruce -- 8/17/2001, 11:18 pm
- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts
Pete Rudie -- 8/17/2001, 1:33 pm- Re: Seattle Fabrics
Ben Staley -- 8/17/2001, 1:49 pm- Re: Seattle Fabrics
deepmoss -- 8/17/2001, 3:14 pm
- Re: Seattle Fabrics
- Gluing Neoprene.
- Re: Homemade neoprene sprayskirts