Re: Racing kayak? *Pic*
By:Hans Friedel
Date: 9/2/2001, 3:25 pm
Date: 9/2/2001, 3:25 pm
In Response To: Racing kayak? (Roy)
: I just designed and built a SOF kayak and it is very tippy, and very fast.
: Mine is a 20 inch beam. How wide are racing kayaks?
here is a boat i made some years ago it is designed acording to the old rule and it is 520mm(boa) wide but it is just 400mm(bwl) wide at the waterline but mine is more like a exersise kayak, real racing kayaks are 350-370mm (bwl) wide. Now that they have change the rule I think a beam of 450-480mm(boa) would be practical

Messages In This Thread
- Racing kayak?
Roy -- 9/1/2001, 10:37 am- Re: Racing kayak? *Pic*
Hans Friedel -- 9/2/2001, 3:25 pm- Re: Racing kayak?
John Soberay -- 9/1/2001, 12:47 pm - Re: Racing kayak?
- Re: Racing kayak? *Pic*