Re: One challenge remains 

By:Pamela Watson
Date: 9/6/2001, 9:33 am
Date: 9/6/2001, 9:33 am
In Response To: One challenge remains
(Paul G. Jacobson)

: Or maybe two challenges: You have yet to build a skin-on-frame boat.
This is one of my goals. A few years ago I was in Burlington VT and I saw a skin on frame canoe in an art gallery that was absolutely gorgeous. Seeing that canoe, in part, is what inspired me to start building boats. I know that when the time is right, and the inspiration is there, the boat will be also. Thanks to everyone that responded to my whimsical post. It's nice to be here Pamela
Messages In This Thread
- Serious help needed
Pamela Watson -- 9/5/2001, 6:25 pm- One challenge remains
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/5/2001, 11:31 pm- Re: One challenge remains
Pamela Watson -- 9/6/2001, 9:33 am
- Re: Serious help needed
Rehd -- 9/5/2001, 11:12 pm- Re: Serious help needed
LisaS -- 9/5/2001, 9:08 pm- Re: Serious help needed
don -- 9/5/2001, 10:08 pm- Re: Serious help needed
Charles Cooper -- 9/5/2001, 10:19 pm
- Re: Serious help needed
- Hell hath no fury like a woman with a table saw an
!RUSS -- 9/5/2001, 9:05 pm- Like a woman with a table saw and......
Lisa S -- 9/6/2001, 8:53 am
- Re: Youre doomed!
Don Beale -- 9/5/2001, 7:02 pm - Re: One challenge remains
- One challenge remains